Thursday, May 13, 2010

What do married couples without children do?

I know some married couples who say that their marriage would be boring without kids. So the few that don't want kids, don't they get bored with each other?What do married couples without children do?
Our marriage was not boring before kids, in fact having our son made it significantly more so. (Not that we regret it, we love our son dearly, but we won't be doing the empty nest whining when he goes to college) Kids are great, but they can be boring as h3ll unless you really enjoy things like sponge bob.

We still get a night or two a week to ourselves, we go out with friends, or have dates. We take him places too since he is older now.

I think you only get bored with your spouse when both of you stop trying, not whether or not you have kids.What do married couples without children do?
It's not the kids we miss, it's the absence of the community that grows out around the kids. You know, the friends you make who are other parents, the parents next door, etc. We are definitely bored with each other. We don't have money to travel since we work, and sometimes we wonder if we should have kids just to have a life. Don't worry; we won't make that mistake. But I just want the question-asker to get an honest answer.

Not like the others weren't honest, but they were all happy. I should also say that all our family members are on another coast, and we live in L.A. where even our friends don't have time to hang out with us.
kids are not exactly born for entertainment ya know. They are a lot of work and responsibility. My husband and I can go to the Caribbean on a whim. We go out to dinner without the need for a babysitter and we do not have to spend all of our money on diapers and baby food. Don't get me wrong, we want kids but because we want children and not out of boredom.
Why would they? They got married because they loved each other. People don't get married to have kids...they get married because they want to share their lives. Some decide to have children and others don't. Children don't complete a couple's life..they may add to it, but childless couples are just as complete as those with children.
Go out dancing, go out to dinner, go to the movies, go on vacation (trip abroad), have sex anytime and every time they want to without worrying about hiring a babysitter or having a family member take care of the kids.
Probably not. They can come and go as they please without worrying about a babysitter. Finances are better. Traveling is easy. Freedom is huge without kids. I could go on and on.
Married couples without kids have better sex lives. Enjoy.
Whatever we want. If we decide to up and leave we can go. We also have dog that is fun to play with.
We do whatever we want.

Not boring at all, it's great!

Kids shouldn't be used to ';spice up'; a boring relationship.

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