a child should never be the reason to get married...
aside from that
there's nothing wrong with people getting married young
hollyyWhat do you think about young people getting married?
It doesn't really matter what any of us think about your situation. Are you in love with this other person, enough that you want to be with them for as long as you live?? The child isn't the reason to get married. Age, also isn't a reason to not get married. If you think that you are emotionally and physically ready to get married and it is mutual between the two of you, then I think you should embrace that. Hope that helps you.
The child is not a reason to get married.
If they truly love each other and have the maturity to understand what committing to each other AND the child means then all who know them should be able to stand beside them willingly.
However, if they getting married because they feel pressured or it sounds like a fun thing to do, then they are nuts. It isn't easy to share a life with someone. You must really want to be together and it isn't fair to the child if you are just going to end up divorced and bitter.
I think It's okay for young people to get married. I got married at 19, my husband was 20. We were both virgins though
If they have a child, then I think they'd have to figure out whats best for the child. Do the parents love each other? are they both good parents? if yes, they should get married. If one of them does drugs or is abusive, then they shouldn't get married.
I think every child deserves a mom and a dad who love each other, but if one of them is a bad parent then it's better if they don't get married.
Don't marry because of the child, marry because of LOVE. Sometimes people marry their Highschool Sweethearts, and it works alright. And sometimes is horrible, with a messy divorce... Different for everyone.
I personally, think that it's alright for 19 year olds and plus to get married. Keep in mind only about 100 years ago, 14 and 12 year olds were getting married.
i got married at 19 my husband was 21. no children, i was a virgin
my brother-in-law was 20 and his wife was 18
my sister in law.... 20 same for her husband...
most of my cousins were/are married at those ages as well
none of them had children before they were married.. but i dont think people should get married solely for the childs sake... but the child does need both parnets... but if they love each other and want to spend forever with each other go for it!!
Why not? Age doesn't really matter.. It's maturity. I know some people in their 40's that shouldn't be married because they're too immature to handle it.
I was married at 18 and my husband was 20. We've been married for 3 years and are expecting our first child. I don't regret it at all.
It depends on the situation. I got married at 25 and I'm divorced. What works for some doesn't work for everyone.
I think people no matter what the age is, should marry before having kids period.
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