Thursday, May 13, 2010

What in your opinion is a perfect married couple, or family?

what qualities would the husband AND wife have that would just be perfect to you?

and how they treat each other?What in your opinion is a perfect married couple, or family?
Mutual respect, and support. Love, sharing and encouragement to each family member to strive and achieve anything they believe they can do. Not limiting a person based on gender. Teaching our children that people should be valued for something other than how they look or what they own.

My family and I share household chores. Boys and girls are both responsible for housework and occasional meal prep. We all feel that we are contributing to the greater good of the group as a whole. What in your opinion is a perfect married couple, or family?
Ok....just so you know, this is my opinion. I do not think this is how EVERY family should be. In my opinion, this is how I would like my family to be.

Ok, now that that's out of the way. A perfect family to me is a gaggle of children. A wife who stays at home with them and a father who works. The wife would be overly kind, sympathetic to the needs of her family, but also one who knows how to stick up for herself when she feels she has been wronged. The husband would also be overly kind and sympathetic to the needs of his family. He should be funny and intelligent....the kind of husband that comes home, kisses his wife on the cheek and then wrestles on the floor with the kids for an hour. Their relationship is 50/50....everything right down the middle. They should know how to communicate their feelings with each other and they never, ever go to bed angry. They make love 5 times a week (!!) and they always say ';I love you'; when he goes off to work in the morning. They both have their own interesting hobbies and they make an effort to go out on a date at least once a week. They were both raised to have the same kind of morals and parenting styles. They're both financially stable and know how to plan for the future. They grow old together, retire to Florida and die on the same day :)

Yup....sounds perfect! Old fashioned, yes, but still perfect in my opinion.
None, because there is no such thing as the ';perfect 10';. No matter how much you want someone to be perfect in your eyes; you yourself are not perfect, so why would you want someone to be something that you're not even capabliel of being? You can find someone who’s “fine as frog hair” (a 100 on a scale of 1 to 10) in looks and still be one of the ugliest people on the inside. You can find someone who’s the most caring and sincere men or women that you’ve ever meet, and still not be able to bring yourself to be please with their appearance. There will always be something about a man or woman that will disqualify them from being that perfect 10 regardless of what positive traits they may have. That’s why you have to willing to accept people for who they are (flaws in all).

I personally believe that there are three basic things that both men and women should want in their relationships/marriages:

A. Love: Unconditionally, meaning no matter what he or she looks like 10, 15, 20, 30 years from now; When you look into his/her eyes you still love the same as the day you first met them. Cherishing the union between the two of you, and honoring the vows you took before god.

B. Trust: having the same amount of trust in him/her that you expect them to have in you because you both know that neither of you will go astray. You're able to trust one another to mean what you say and say what you mean. Being truthful when dealing with him/her by always being open and honest about everything the two of you share (money, sexual relationship, future plans, and parenting) because you trust him/her to make the right decision and choices in life that will benefit you both.

C. Respect: Respect one another as your EQUALS! Regardless of sex! You’re in a partnership, not a dictatorship. You give your partner the same respect as you would expect him/her to give you. I strongly believe in the saying “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

If you are able to build your relationship/marriage upon this 'tripod'; of reasoning, all the other things fall into place. And you’ll be able to see that “5” as being that 10 because he/she will see you the same way.

My husband doesn't do exactly half of the chores, because I'm home more than he is, but he does his fair share and when he starts slacking I let him know and he starts pitching in more. If he says I'm expecting too much, I realize that sometimes he's right and I either let it go or do some of the work myself.

I don't think it matters who is doing what, so long as you feel comfortable communicating with your partner and no one feels taken advantage of.
The husband and wife would be equals in all aspects (working, chores, etc.). They would have open and honest communication and be mature about handling situations. They would love each other no matter what and be completely faithful to one another. They would treat one another with respect.
I don't define a family as being simply a husband and wife. It could be two husbands or two wives, or a husband and a wife. They treat each other with respect and dignity.
1. Honesty

2. Loyalty

3. Goals and ambition

4. Respect

5. Both should have careers

6. Financial stability
A functional and happy one.
What Rio said, unfortunately those are hard to come by these days.
  • lips
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