My fiance say its expensive to get married at the justice of the peace in Syracuse, New York.Can someone tell me. He want to married me but we are very brokeVERY brokeHow much does it cost to get married in syracuse.?
Fees: If the marriage license is issued by a town or city clerk in New York State outside of New York City, it costs $40.00 - $50.00. If it is issued by the City Clerk of the City of New York, it costs $35. The fee in either case includes the issuance of a Certificate of Marriage Registration. This certificate is automatically sent by the issuing clerk to the applicants within 15 days after the completed license is returned by the officiant (person who performs the marriage ceremony). It serves as notice that a record of the marriage is on file. Couples who do not receive a Certificate of Marriage Registration within four weeks of the wedding should contact the town or city clerk who issued the license.How much does it cost to get married in syracuse.?
I live in Syracuse too! To get married at justice of the peace, all you need is a marraige license which is $40. You just called the City Clerk office 448-8382.
Marriage Licenses are a $40.00 fee, payable by cash, money order or a check made out to the Office of the City Clerk.
To apply, both parties must appear at the Office of the City Clerk and present proof of age. A Driver's License, Birth Certificate, Passport or other such government issued document is acceptable. If either or both parties are divorced or widowed, certified proof should be presented to the issuing clerk as to how each previous marriage ended. Applicants under the age of 18 and over 16 must be present either with parents, or the parent with sole custody and proof of same, along with proper identification. Application must be made at least 24 hours prior to the planned ceremony and is valid for 60 days. No blood test is required and no appointment is necessary.
The Office of the City Clerk will issue a certified copy of a marriage license to either the bride or groom, with proper identification, for a $10.00 fee. This can also be accomplished through the mail with the names of both parties as well as the month and year of the marriage.
Records in the City Clerk's office begin in 1908 and only marriage licenses issued from this office are on file. In order to release information or copies of a marriage license to someone other than the bride and groom, a license must have been issued 50 years or more and both parties must be deceased. In other instances, a properly executed Power of Attorney or document signed by either bride or groom granting permission for the document to be released will be accepted.
i live in ithaca ny and i know it's not very much here so i can't imagine it'd be too much more in syracuse, it's only like 45 min. away.
google it
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Married men: How do you reconcile the fact that because you mow the lawn or rake a few leaves here and there?
it means you don't have to pick up after yourself or help clean the inside of the house?
Because we live inside, not outside afterall.Married men: How do you reconcile the fact that because you mow the lawn or rake a few leaves here and there?
Don't forget that clearing the snow off of the cars doesn't mean that they can sprinkle their urine all over the toilet.Married men: How do you reconcile the fact that because you mow the lawn or rake a few leaves here and there?
I've been married for 12 years. I do just about everything 'outside' the house. When I'm busy, sometimes my wife does weeding and gardening.
As far as my wife goes, she does most of the 'inside' work: wash, dishes, etc. But when she'd busy, I do it.
We don't really have a set agreement, but when something is out of balance, one of us complains (usually rightly so) and it gets fixed.
Communication is everything. Not whining or playing games.
There are times when my wife is busy I do all the housework: cook, clean, wash, kids to bed..
There are times when my wife will pick the trimmer and trim the lawn.
Advice: If your spouse can't get up off their duff to help you out when you're busy or overwhelmed after you've let them know. I would recommend counseling or some outside help.
Q: How many men does it take to clean the toilet?
A: None. That's women's work.
Seriously though, I do the following:
- Mow the lawn
- Rake the leaves
- Shovel the snow (and we've had a lot this winter in Ontario)
- Pick up after myself (and herself and the kids)
- Laundry (although I usually leave the folding to her, because she is a stay-at-home mom)
- Load and unload dishwasher
- Cook supper a few times a week
And, yes, I even clean the toilet (after all, being a beagle, I drink from it). Happy?
Maybe you need to put some perspective on your complaint. I don't know any details on your situation or relationship, but compared to a lot of posts I read here, this is a pretty minor thing. If he provides for his family, is faithful, and responsible otherwise, if he loves you and takes care of all the rest of your needs, how big of an issue is this really? I know you don't want to feel like he is taking advantage of you by expecting to pick up after him, but your choices are to nag him - which will only cause friction, pick it up yourself - which frustrates you, or pick a time that you are both calm and relaxed to talk about it. Don't turn it into a fight, don't be sarcastic, explain to him in a loving way how much it helps you when he picks up after himself. Make him feel he is doing you a favor, don't make it feel like his mom is giving him chores.
So let me understand - you do everything, then you whine and piss about it, then you do it again, all the time giving him sex whenever he wants it? YOU ARE REWARDING HIS BAD BEHAVIOR.
Big grownup men who are mature cook, do chores, and clean up after themselves because even if no one else was around they would do it anyway.
Little candy-@ss momaa's boy babies want their wives to be live-in sex maids.
Sorry you married the wrong guy.
If you want it to change, stop giving him sex whenever he wants since that's all little candy-@ss momma's boy babies understand.
How do you reconcile your completely dismissive, unsympathetic, unempathetic, and totally self centered attitude?
Is it not possible that you have a long history of reshaping other people's responsibilities in order to play the victim?
And is it your plan to encourage your husband to clean up more, by nagging, whining, complaining, belittling, and crying about it?
Have you even attempted support, kindness,generosity, warmth, and an honest request that was not drenched in sarcasm, veiled threats, and personal expectations?
Would your husband agree?
Good Luck!
Ha this got the troops angry! Obviously everyone is different, however a lot of marriages that sound like this. Distribution of chores is always a pain in the a$$. I do pretty much all the inside chores (cooking, dishes, vacuuming, laundry). It's not because I like to do it, it's because if I don't it typically won't get done. Or it will take days to get done and it won't get done very well.
I also do most of the 'regular' outdoor work (garbage, sweeping, weeding, dog poop) while he does the 'once in a while stuff' like Christmas lights, car maintenance, hanging blinds/curtains etc.). Doesn't seem fair does it? Bringing it up always turns into a fight. I think we need to learn to train them better or suck it up and accept it. Just demand he work harder in bed! That always makes me less angry about it ;)
My husband does pick up after himself. However i really do not find it necessary to ***** if he doesnt... He does enough other things to make up for things he may forget to do..... This is why they say marriage is 50/50 , however it is not always going to be that way, and it shouldnt bother either to do a little extra when necessary to help out.
I personally prefer to do the cleaning because i like it done a certain way, therefore i do not ask nor do i ***** if he does not help.
Everyone should clean up after him or herself. And inside chores can be distributed fairly. For instance, my wife makes a mess out of the kitchen and then does the dishes. She asks me to put the clean dishes up in the cabinets. I can do that, no problem. If she needs assistance cleaning inside, that's fine. If I need assistance cleaning outside, she better shut off the damn TV and get her a $ $ outside and help.
My husband pays all the bills and provides well for us.
My income goes to extras for myself and the boys, and I save the rest for the benefit of our family.
I wouldn't dare expect my husband to clean the house. He has the lawn, the garage and car maintenance. My sons have chores and the rest is my responsibility.
Because I do more then just the outside.....Do you work on your own car? Did you pay off all of your spouses debt that they had coming into the relationship? Did you buy your spouse a house by using the money from your previous house that you owned without them? Did you give your spouse your NICE car that you owned before meeting them and take there junker? I HAVE DONE ALL THESE THINGS FOR MY WIFE PLUS I PAID FOR THE WEDDING ALL WITH MONEY I HAD BEFORE MEETING HER....Is it too much to ask to have dinner ready for me when I get home 2 nights a week? Is it too much to ask to help clean the house that we both share? ( I do clean up after myself and clean the house) Is it too much to ask to be appreciated as a man in a world where we are always hated for one reason or another?
Well, I rake, mow, shovel, vaccuum, do dishes, do laundry, do dusting, do some of the shopping, make dinner and a lot more (after working 8 hours.)
What do i get? ';sorry honey, but all your doings' have left me tired just watching you, maybe tomorrow night...';
somehow, it just don't make sense...
Then you can start to mow the lawn, rake the leaves, and do all those things outside and ask your man to cook, clean and stay inside. Does that make you happy now? If you think whatever your man does is easy, then you do it. In a marriage, we need doer not talker.
My husband and I have an agreement. He pays all the bills and he does the Outside of the house. I do everything on the inside of the house.
Pretty damn fair since I am not pay the mortgage if you ask me!
I can't reconcile those things. That's why I do pick up and help clean the inside of the house. I do dishes, vacuum, do laundry and other stuff.
I pity him, being married to someone as controlling and critical as you are.
Would you mow the lawn or rake a few leaves while he pick up after himself inside house?
Who is keeping track?
If you love someone, you shouldn't be nitpicking all of they things to do/don't do.
Amen Sister
You need to get a better job and pay the bills. When that happens you will understand.
No wonder he spends his time outside
Because we are the King!
no.. we mow the lawn in the bedroom too.
My hubby helps a lot around the house.
You will never figure this out.
It is a life long mystery.
Just smile... and do bad stuff to his stuff when he's not looking.
Because we live inside, not outside afterall.Married men: How do you reconcile the fact that because you mow the lawn or rake a few leaves here and there?
Don't forget that clearing the snow off of the cars doesn't mean that they can sprinkle their urine all over the toilet.Married men: How do you reconcile the fact that because you mow the lawn or rake a few leaves here and there?
I've been married for 12 years. I do just about everything 'outside' the house. When I'm busy, sometimes my wife does weeding and gardening.
As far as my wife goes, she does most of the 'inside' work: wash, dishes, etc. But when she'd busy, I do it.
We don't really have a set agreement, but when something is out of balance, one of us complains (usually rightly so) and it gets fixed.
Communication is everything. Not whining or playing games.
There are times when my wife is busy I do all the housework: cook, clean, wash, kids to bed..
There are times when my wife will pick the trimmer and trim the lawn.
Advice: If your spouse can't get up off their duff to help you out when you're busy or overwhelmed after you've let them know. I would recommend counseling or some outside help.
Q: How many men does it take to clean the toilet?
A: None. That's women's work.
Seriously though, I do the following:
- Mow the lawn
- Rake the leaves
- Shovel the snow (and we've had a lot this winter in Ontario)
- Pick up after myself (and herself and the kids)
- Laundry (although I usually leave the folding to her, because she is a stay-at-home mom)
- Load and unload dishwasher
- Cook supper a few times a week
And, yes, I even clean the toilet (after all, being a beagle, I drink from it). Happy?
Maybe you need to put some perspective on your complaint. I don't know any details on your situation or relationship, but compared to a lot of posts I read here, this is a pretty minor thing. If he provides for his family, is faithful, and responsible otherwise, if he loves you and takes care of all the rest of your needs, how big of an issue is this really? I know you don't want to feel like he is taking advantage of you by expecting to pick up after him, but your choices are to nag him - which will only cause friction, pick it up yourself - which frustrates you, or pick a time that you are both calm and relaxed to talk about it. Don't turn it into a fight, don't be sarcastic, explain to him in a loving way how much it helps you when he picks up after himself. Make him feel he is doing you a favor, don't make it feel like his mom is giving him chores.
So let me understand - you do everything, then you whine and piss about it, then you do it again, all the time giving him sex whenever he wants it? YOU ARE REWARDING HIS BAD BEHAVIOR.
Big grownup men who are mature cook, do chores, and clean up after themselves because even if no one else was around they would do it anyway.
Little candy-@ss momaa's boy babies want their wives to be live-in sex maids.
Sorry you married the wrong guy.
If you want it to change, stop giving him sex whenever he wants since that's all little candy-@ss momma's boy babies understand.
How do you reconcile your completely dismissive, unsympathetic, unempathetic, and totally self centered attitude?
Is it not possible that you have a long history of reshaping other people's responsibilities in order to play the victim?
And is it your plan to encourage your husband to clean up more, by nagging, whining, complaining, belittling, and crying about it?
Have you even attempted support, kindness,generosity, warmth, and an honest request that was not drenched in sarcasm, veiled threats, and personal expectations?
Would your husband agree?
Good Luck!
Ha this got the troops angry! Obviously everyone is different, however a lot of marriages that sound like this. Distribution of chores is always a pain in the a$$. I do pretty much all the inside chores (cooking, dishes, vacuuming, laundry). It's not because I like to do it, it's because if I don't it typically won't get done. Or it will take days to get done and it won't get done very well.
I also do most of the 'regular' outdoor work (garbage, sweeping, weeding, dog poop) while he does the 'once in a while stuff' like Christmas lights, car maintenance, hanging blinds/curtains etc.). Doesn't seem fair does it? Bringing it up always turns into a fight. I think we need to learn to train them better or suck it up and accept it. Just demand he work harder in bed! That always makes me less angry about it ;)
My husband does pick up after himself. However i really do not find it necessary to ***** if he doesnt... He does enough other things to make up for things he may forget to do..... This is why they say marriage is 50/50 , however it is not always going to be that way, and it shouldnt bother either to do a little extra when necessary to help out.
I personally prefer to do the cleaning because i like it done a certain way, therefore i do not ask nor do i ***** if he does not help.
Everyone should clean up after him or herself. And inside chores can be distributed fairly. For instance, my wife makes a mess out of the kitchen and then does the dishes. She asks me to put the clean dishes up in the cabinets. I can do that, no problem. If she needs assistance cleaning inside, that's fine. If I need assistance cleaning outside, she better shut off the damn TV and get her a $ $ outside and help.
My husband pays all the bills and provides well for us.
My income goes to extras for myself and the boys, and I save the rest for the benefit of our family.
I wouldn't dare expect my husband to clean the house. He has the lawn, the garage and car maintenance. My sons have chores and the rest is my responsibility.
Because I do more then just the outside.....Do you work on your own car? Did you pay off all of your spouses debt that they had coming into the relationship? Did you buy your spouse a house by using the money from your previous house that you owned without them? Did you give your spouse your NICE car that you owned before meeting them and take there junker? I HAVE DONE ALL THESE THINGS FOR MY WIFE PLUS I PAID FOR THE WEDDING ALL WITH MONEY I HAD BEFORE MEETING HER....Is it too much to ask to have dinner ready for me when I get home 2 nights a week? Is it too much to ask to help clean the house that we both share? ( I do clean up after myself and clean the house) Is it too much to ask to be appreciated as a man in a world where we are always hated for one reason or another?
Well, I rake, mow, shovel, vaccuum, do dishes, do laundry, do dusting, do some of the shopping, make dinner and a lot more (after working 8 hours.)
What do i get? ';sorry honey, but all your doings' have left me tired just watching you, maybe tomorrow night...';
somehow, it just don't make sense...
Then you can start to mow the lawn, rake the leaves, and do all those things outside and ask your man to cook, clean and stay inside. Does that make you happy now? If you think whatever your man does is easy, then you do it. In a marriage, we need doer not talker.
My husband and I have an agreement. He pays all the bills and he does the Outside of the house. I do everything on the inside of the house.
Pretty damn fair since I am not pay the mortgage if you ask me!
I can't reconcile those things. That's why I do pick up and help clean the inside of the house. I do dishes, vacuum, do laundry and other stuff.
I pity him, being married to someone as controlling and critical as you are.
Would you mow the lawn or rake a few leaves while he pick up after himself inside house?
Who is keeping track?
If you love someone, you shouldn't be nitpicking all of they things to do/don't do.
Amen Sister
You need to get a better job and pay the bills. When that happens you will understand.
No wonder he spends his time outside
Because we are the King!
no.. we mow the lawn in the bedroom too.
My hubby helps a lot around the house.
You will never figure this out.
It is a life long mystery.
Just smile... and do bad stuff to his stuff when he's not looking.
How do you tell your parents and future in laws that ur getting married?
my fiance mother is very protective and she doesn't think before she speaks. But at the same time she's a great person . He's the only child and it's hard for he understand that she's not the only women in he's life. It is he's fault for not telling about how serious we are, but anyway he ask me to marry him and he don't know how to tell her because it's gonna a big surprise!
Now my mother is easy going and understanding!
I'm a college student mind you
Please give adviceHow do you tell your parents and future in laws that ur getting married?
How about that wat a great dinner and oh we're getting married. then step back and see who catches her when she faintsHow do you tell your parents and future in laws that ur getting married?
You are not going to like it.....
I think you should think very carefully before marrying a man who has this type of relationship with his mother. He won't tell her he is becoming serious enough to propose, and she is too protective. He won't stand up to her when she starts getting into your marriage. The guy has no guts - not that it should take guts to express to your parents how you feel about a woman. He's being a weenie, and I guarantee you are not getting the full story.
Let him break the news to his parents. And...he really should ask your parents for THEIR PERMISSION before finalizing any plans with you.
In order to have family peace, you really need both extended family's approval. You'll be leaning on both sets of parents for assistance in the future.
So let him take the lead in this matter...both to confront his mother, and to request permission from your parents.
Good Luck!
Announce it via email the day after the wedding
That's what I did.
Tell her she going to be a grandma
suck it up and do it.
Now my mother is easy going and understanding!
I'm a college student mind you
Please give adviceHow do you tell your parents and future in laws that ur getting married?
How about that wat a great dinner and oh we're getting married. then step back and see who catches her when she faintsHow do you tell your parents and future in laws that ur getting married?
You are not going to like it.....
I think you should think very carefully before marrying a man who has this type of relationship with his mother. He won't tell her he is becoming serious enough to propose, and she is too protective. He won't stand up to her when she starts getting into your marriage. The guy has no guts - not that it should take guts to express to your parents how you feel about a woman. He's being a weenie, and I guarantee you are not getting the full story.
Let him break the news to his parents. And...he really should ask your parents for THEIR PERMISSION before finalizing any plans with you.
In order to have family peace, you really need both extended family's approval. You'll be leaning on both sets of parents for assistance in the future.
So let him take the lead in this matter...both to confront his mother, and to request permission from your parents.
Good Luck!
Announce it via email the day after the wedding
That's what I did.
Tell her she going to be a grandma
suck it up and do it.
How do you know when you and your partner are ready to get married? We've been together 3 years now.?
We have a baby as well. Is that a good enough reason?How do you know when you and your partner are ready to get married? We've been together 3 years now.?
I think parents should do whatever it takes to make their baby's life OK.
You are 'ready' to get married when you both have learned the skills it takes to be really good, responsible parents or are at least willing to learn those skills and behaviors.
Marriage is not the point - good, responsible parenting is the whole point.
Get married or not.........just be or learn to be good parents to your little, dependent, powerless, innocent, deserving child.How do you know when you and your partner are ready to get married? We've been together 3 years now.?
you know when you are ready when you are physically, emotionally and spiritually set. if you have all these things combined together then you can get married. because then you are ready to work for your family, ready to accept what the future will bring , accept the challenges in life together with your family and a stable life with them.
good luck
so you have a baby together, but do you have a relationship together. What kind of example will you be setting for your baby, if not for the love of the two of you? Having a baby is not a reason for getting married. Although, it would have been better for the child if the two of you were more stable together, before having a child.
If your bond is strong enough and your love is even stronger than the bond. People are married these days just because but you have to know why you want to marry someone and it is not all based off having a baby by the person. More than 50% of marriages ends in divorce today so choose wisely.
Do it if/because you want to, nobody is testing whether you reason is ';good enough'; or not
Love is a good reason. IT's better to get married first, then have the baby though.
I think parents should do whatever it takes to make their baby's life OK.
You are 'ready' to get married when you both have learned the skills it takes to be really good, responsible parents or are at least willing to learn those skills and behaviors.
Marriage is not the point - good, responsible parenting is the whole point.
Get married or not.........just be or learn to be good parents to your little, dependent, powerless, innocent, deserving child.How do you know when you and your partner are ready to get married? We've been together 3 years now.?
you know when you are ready when you are physically, emotionally and spiritually set. if you have all these things combined together then you can get married. because then you are ready to work for your family, ready to accept what the future will bring , accept the challenges in life together with your family and a stable life with them.
good luck
so you have a baby together, but do you have a relationship together. What kind of example will you be setting for your baby, if not for the love of the two of you? Having a baby is not a reason for getting married. Although, it would have been better for the child if the two of you were more stable together, before having a child.
If your bond is strong enough and your love is even stronger than the bond. People are married these days just because but you have to know why you want to marry someone and it is not all based off having a baby by the person. More than 50% of marriages ends in divorce today so choose wisely.
Do it if/because you want to, nobody is testing whether you reason is ';good enough'; or not
Love is a good reason. IT's better to get married first, then have the baby though.
What do i need to get married in the courthouse in killeen tx?
like do i need can i have a copy of the birth certificate if needed, mother or fathers death certificate, or social security card??? Also does it change if we are both army?What do i need to get married in the courthouse in killeen tx?
For the army, you'd have to ask your JAG/base commander
For the civil side:
ID Requirement: Certified copy of birth certificate; or valid driver's license or other acceptable I.D. issued by the state, another state, the United States, or a foreign government.
鈥? Either bring your Social Security card or know your Social Security number.
鈥? If you want to use your maiden name on the license bring a certified copy of your birth certificate or a certified copy of your divorce decree that states name is to be changed to maiden name.
Residency Requirement: Do not have to be a resident of Texas.
If previously married: If your divorce was finalized within 30 days, bring certified copy of the divorce decree stating the 30 day waiting period is waived.
Application Requirement: Both parties must appear, together or separately, to apply. (Portions of the application process may be completed by absentee application if one party is unable to appear in person).
Fees: $36+ - Cash Only.
Waiting Period: Marriage licenses have a 72 hour waiting period -- unless waived due to active duty military status.
Blood Tests: No blood test requirement.
Under 18: If either party is under the age of 18, they must be accompanied by parents.
鈥? If under the age of 16, Tennessee law requires that the couple receives a court order before being allowed to marry.
Proxy Marriages: Yes.
Common Law Marriage: No.
Cousin Marriage: No.
Same Sex Marriage: No.
Officiants: All regular ministers of the gospel of every denomination, and Jewish rabbis, more than 18 years of age, having the care of souls may perform marriages. Ministers must endorse the marriage license and return it to the clerk of the county court within three days after the marriage.
Valid: License is valid for 30 days.
The license can only be used within the State of Texas.
Please Note: As of September 1995 Texas Law requires that a notorized statement pertaining to child support be submitted by all marriage license applicants. This form may be obtained at the same time you apply for your marriage license. It must be signed and completed in the presence of two witnesses and a notary public. No applications can be processed without the proper submission of this statement.
Miscellaneous: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice.
It is important that you verify all information with your local marriage license office or county clerk before making any wedding or travel plans.wet eyeshadow
For the army, you'd have to ask your JAG/base commander
For the civil side:
ID Requirement: Certified copy of birth certificate; or valid driver's license or other acceptable I.D. issued by the state, another state, the United States, or a foreign government.
鈥? Either bring your Social Security card or know your Social Security number.
鈥? If you want to use your maiden name on the license bring a certified copy of your birth certificate or a certified copy of your divorce decree that states name is to be changed to maiden name.
Residency Requirement: Do not have to be a resident of Texas.
If previously married: If your divorce was finalized within 30 days, bring certified copy of the divorce decree stating the 30 day waiting period is waived.
Application Requirement: Both parties must appear, together or separately, to apply. (Portions of the application process may be completed by absentee application if one party is unable to appear in person).
Fees: $36+ - Cash Only.
Waiting Period: Marriage licenses have a 72 hour waiting period -- unless waived due to active duty military status.
Blood Tests: No blood test requirement.
Under 18: If either party is under the age of 18, they must be accompanied by parents.
鈥? If under the age of 16, Tennessee law requires that the couple receives a court order before being allowed to marry.
Proxy Marriages: Yes.
Common Law Marriage: No.
Cousin Marriage: No.
Same Sex Marriage: No.
Officiants: All regular ministers of the gospel of every denomination, and Jewish rabbis, more than 18 years of age, having the care of souls may perform marriages. Ministers must endorse the marriage license and return it to the clerk of the county court within three days after the marriage.
Valid: License is valid for 30 days.
The license can only be used within the State of Texas.
Please Note: As of September 1995 Texas Law requires that a notorized statement pertaining to child support be submitted by all marriage license applicants. This form may be obtained at the same time you apply for your marriage license. It must be signed and completed in the presence of two witnesses and a notary public. No applications can be processed without the proper submission of this statement.
Miscellaneous: State and county marriage license requirements often change. The above information is for guidance only and should not be regarded as legal advice.
It is important that you verify all information with your local marriage license office or county clerk before making any wedding or travel plans.
Can you file bankruptcy while your married but separated?
I want to file bankruptcy. My husband does not. We're separated, and I can't afford the bills. In NC you have to wait 1 year before you can legally divorce. Can I file anyway? We have joint debts. Since I can't pay for them, would that leave him responsible?Can you file bankruptcy while your married but separated?
Yes you can file without your husband and yes it will leave him responsible for any joint debts.Can you file bankruptcy while your married but separated?
Yes, you may file bankruptcy individually without your spouse.
Now, whether your spouse would be affected is another question. Some things that might affect your spouse include: if your spouse was a co-signer on any of your debts, if any of your debts are joint debts (such as mortgage, etc.).
Since you say that you have joint accounts, If you file BK then when discharged only your liability on the debt and not the debt owed by your husband. In most instances, the debt owed is owed on the basis of joint and several liability. Whatever was owed prior to filing remains owed by the non-filing co-debtor (your husband). This means that he will be responsible for 100% of the remaining debt.
You should speak to a Bankruptcy attorney, most will give you a free of charge consultation.
Yes you can file just for yourself then that will leave him responsible for his half. You might want to contact the creditor and let them know what you situation is they might be willing to do settlement with you and you might not have to file bankruptcy and them they can go after him for the rest best of luck.
Yes you can file without your husband and yes it will leave him responsible for any joint debts.Can you file bankruptcy while your married but separated?
Yes, you may file bankruptcy individually without your spouse.
Now, whether your spouse would be affected is another question. Some things that might affect your spouse include: if your spouse was a co-signer on any of your debts, if any of your debts are joint debts (such as mortgage, etc.).
Since you say that you have joint accounts, If you file BK then when discharged only your liability on the debt and not the debt owed by your husband. In most instances, the debt owed is owed on the basis of joint and several liability. Whatever was owed prior to filing remains owed by the non-filing co-debtor (your husband). This means that he will be responsible for 100% of the remaining debt.
You should speak to a Bankruptcy attorney, most will give you a free of charge consultation.
Yes you can file just for yourself then that will leave him responsible for his half. You might want to contact the creditor and let them know what you situation is they might be willing to do settlement with you and you might not have to file bankruptcy and them they can go after him for the rest best of luck.
If the pope wanted to get married, who would officiate the marriage ceremony?
Since he is God's representative on earth, would not God have to perform the ceremony?If the pope wanted to get married, who would officiate the marriage ceremony?
The pope is a catholic priest and catholic priests can't be married.If the pope wanted to get married, who would officiate the marriage ceremony?
Marriage is nothing to do with the church since it is governed by civil law!!
Yes the church is allowed to carry out the ceremony but only with a civil law license, by a person authorized under civil law and in full compliance with the civil law or the marriage would be null and void and the people taking part may well be subject to criminal proceedings!!
So anyone authorized by the civil law could marry him!!
Correspondingly anyone you might think was a higher authority than the Pope would of course not be authorized and would commit a criminal offense if they tried to officiate!!!
The Pope is NOT God's representative on earth. He is an overrated Catholic priest and they are not allowed to marry. However, since the world does what it wants now, I'll say ';The Gay Partisan';.
the pope is NOT God's rep. but I suppose if he wanted to marry (at his age?) satan would/could officiate it as he does all else of their ventures.....God Bless
The pope is a catholic priest and catholic priests can't be married.If the pope wanted to get married, who would officiate the marriage ceremony?
Marriage is nothing to do with the church since it is governed by civil law!!
Yes the church is allowed to carry out the ceremony but only with a civil law license, by a person authorized under civil law and in full compliance with the civil law or the marriage would be null and void and the people taking part may well be subject to criminal proceedings!!
So anyone authorized by the civil law could marry him!!
Correspondingly anyone you might think was a higher authority than the Pope would of course not be authorized and would commit a criminal offense if they tried to officiate!!!
The Pope is NOT God's representative on earth. He is an overrated Catholic priest and they are not allowed to marry. However, since the world does what it wants now, I'll say ';The Gay Partisan';.
the pope is NOT God's rep. but I suppose if he wanted to marry (at his age?) satan would/could officiate it as he does all else of their ventures.....God Bless
Is it ok to have and hang out with opposite sex friends while married?
I am a female who has a lot of guy friends, some of whom were ex boyfriends. Can I still talk on the phone with and hang out with these guy friends when I'm dating someone or when I'm married, or will this definitely put strain on the relationship or marriage? Should I focus on developing more female friends? Will my significant other feel less important if I am hanging out with other guys?Is it ok to have and hang out with opposite sex friends while married?
Expect that DOLT husband of yours to urinate in your hair while you are asleep!Is it ok to have and hang out with opposite sex friends while married?
Firstly, would you be comfortable if your husband was in touch with her ex. girlfriend? Would you be okay if your husband was hanging out with other girls?
Marriage is a relationship of two different personalities, and as is in every relationship, there has to be sacrifices - one of them being realigning priorities. Your husband and your children take priority over everything else, the same way you should take priority over everything else for him. That does not mean that you do not have a life of your own. You do, but you have to be careful that the life you lead is not something that will affect him or your relationship in a bad way. Because what completes the woman in you is not your male friends, but your man. Without him, you would be a ';wo';.
I think it should always be okay, as long as you don't have feelings for any of these guys. But you need to be a with a guy who trusts you and you trust him. If your significant other doesn't want you hanging around your friends then they aren't worth it. Also, your guy friends shouldn't have any feelings for you. I'm sure that would but a strain on your relationship but I think that you just need to find a guy that you can be with and not worry about these kind of things.
I have a co-worker who has almost all male friends. She says that is one of the things that she and her husband of more than 10 years discussed that she would not stop hanging out with her long time male friends. Once the husband met these guys they are just as much friends with her husband as they are with her. They all go on outings and parties together.
You should contribute your time to thinking of ways to make the person you are with happy and cut loose of the phone calls and hanging out with the guy friends.Make some nice female friends. Your significant other could very well feel less important if you keep hanging with other guys.
Of course he will feel less important. Wouldn't you? When you get married you should devote your time to your spouse. You can still have friends but why hang out with opposite sex and cause friction with your husband? That is part of being married. Otherwise why get maried?
i found that to be totally acceptable at one point... except, once, after a nasty fight with my (first)wife, went over to my best female friend's house, she got me drunk, and one thing led to another, we f*cked each other's brains out.
I now keep all the female relationships totally 'casual' and nothing too intense.
It is not ok for married people to ';hang out'; with members of the opposite sex under any circumstances. It will only lead to trouble in Paradise.
Slutty. You have no reason being involved with your ex specially after being married.I hope he finds out and divorce your A$$.
Well that all depends on how secure your man is with this. Role reversal how would you feel with your man hanging out with other women and talking to them all the time??
No, it's not appropriate. I ditched all my male friends the second I got married - it's just what you have to do.
I do not feel that this is respectful behavior towards your new husband.
Expect that DOLT husband of yours to urinate in your hair while you are asleep!Is it ok to have and hang out with opposite sex friends while married?
Firstly, would you be comfortable if your husband was in touch with her ex. girlfriend? Would you be okay if your husband was hanging out with other girls?
Marriage is a relationship of two different personalities, and as is in every relationship, there has to be sacrifices - one of them being realigning priorities. Your husband and your children take priority over everything else, the same way you should take priority over everything else for him. That does not mean that you do not have a life of your own. You do, but you have to be careful that the life you lead is not something that will affect him or your relationship in a bad way. Because what completes the woman in you is not your male friends, but your man. Without him, you would be a ';wo';.
I think it should always be okay, as long as you don't have feelings for any of these guys. But you need to be a with a guy who trusts you and you trust him. If your significant other doesn't want you hanging around your friends then they aren't worth it. Also, your guy friends shouldn't have any feelings for you. I'm sure that would but a strain on your relationship but I think that you just need to find a guy that you can be with and not worry about these kind of things.
I have a co-worker who has almost all male friends. She says that is one of the things that she and her husband of more than 10 years discussed that she would not stop hanging out with her long time male friends. Once the husband met these guys they are just as much friends with her husband as they are with her. They all go on outings and parties together.
You should contribute your time to thinking of ways to make the person you are with happy and cut loose of the phone calls and hanging out with the guy friends.Make some nice female friends. Your significant other could very well feel less important if you keep hanging with other guys.
Of course he will feel less important. Wouldn't you? When you get married you should devote your time to your spouse. You can still have friends but why hang out with opposite sex and cause friction with your husband? That is part of being married. Otherwise why get maried?
i found that to be totally acceptable at one point... except, once, after a nasty fight with my (first)wife, went over to my best female friend's house, she got me drunk, and one thing led to another, we f*cked each other's brains out.
I now keep all the female relationships totally 'casual' and nothing too intense.
It is not ok for married people to ';hang out'; with members of the opposite sex under any circumstances. It will only lead to trouble in Paradise.
Slutty. You have no reason being involved with your ex specially after being married.I hope he finds out and divorce your A$$.
Well that all depends on how secure your man is with this. Role reversal how would you feel with your man hanging out with other women and talking to them all the time??
No, it's not appropriate. I ditched all my male friends the second I got married - it's just what you have to do.
I do not feel that this is respectful behavior towards your new husband.
What does it mean when a married man tells a single girl this?
That he enjoys their friendship and communications.
Is that right or wrong?What does it mean when a married man tells a single girl this?
Don't read more into things than they are. Friendship is okay, beyond that is not. When he starts to talk about how his wife treats him so badly or he's unhappy in his's how it always start..don't believe the me on that!What does it mean when a married man tells a single girl this?
If the wife knows about the ongoing friendship with the single girl, it means she's confident in her relationship with her husband... or she's a damn fool.
If the husband hides the friendship and the communications with the single girl from his wife, he's having an emotional affair and his wife should cut off his nutz.
Really, he is setting her up for sex. He is just being friendly, giving her innocent talk. When he is sure she is falling for him...he will jump her bones to have sex.
It is wrong for any single woman to allow a married man to enjoy her friendship and communications alone...without his wife's knowledge.
That doesn't sound too bad. But if he starts saying things like:';If I wasn't married'; and ';Would you like to ever be more than friends?'; then he wants sex. It's completely up to you if you wanna sneak around with a married man. Just be careful because things can get complicated.
Okay here is what I have learn about this situation. Yes it is wrong for a married man to have a friend who is female and single or a female for that matter. It just starts trouble when it doesn't need to started in the first place.
what he SAID is innocent, but what he is thinking is probably NOT. he is probably testing the water. My guess is he wants sex...because guys don't usually say gay things like that to women....unless they are gay,
but lots of people think it's innocent because they live in lala land
It means ';I'm married and am not going to get divorced and am not going to have sex with you.';
With any luck he will have a single friend and you and he and his wife can go on a double date.
Either just a normal friendship line which is nothing more that a casual chat with someone human or trying to get into her pants for a no strings fling.
This is not rocket science. It means that he enjoys their friendship and communications.
It is right.
';I enjoy our friendship and communications and I can't stop thinking about you. I so want it to lead to sex';
It means that he enjoys their friendship and communications. Why do people have to take words and twist them into what they want them to be? Jez.
Does the wife know about this single girl? If he's carrying on this friendship behind his wife's back, then it's something hidden, and that's really not good.
hmm.. its harmless. But as a wife of that married man I would be really hurt by his actions. He shouldn't be talking to anybody like this except his wife and same goes for the wife.
He just wants to be friends ....He's married find a single guy already about if some girl was messing with your man or hubby ....How RUDE
I think he wants to get into her pants. That's what I think it really means.
not wrong, what are you two doing alone during your friendship and communications? o.0
he enjoys the friendship and/ or hes willing to cheat with this ';friend';
Oh my that he suppose to say to you not her. Lady I would be hurt.
It's just a good gesture. just means he's glad to be your friend
well just that.
Is that right or wrong?What does it mean when a married man tells a single girl this?
Don't read more into things than they are. Friendship is okay, beyond that is not. When he starts to talk about how his wife treats him so badly or he's unhappy in his's how it always start..don't believe the me on that!What does it mean when a married man tells a single girl this?
If the wife knows about the ongoing friendship with the single girl, it means she's confident in her relationship with her husband... or she's a damn fool.
If the husband hides the friendship and the communications with the single girl from his wife, he's having an emotional affair and his wife should cut off his nutz.
Really, he is setting her up for sex. He is just being friendly, giving her innocent talk. When he is sure she is falling for him...he will jump her bones to have sex.
It is wrong for any single woman to allow a married man to enjoy her friendship and communications alone...without his wife's knowledge.
That doesn't sound too bad. But if he starts saying things like:';If I wasn't married'; and ';Would you like to ever be more than friends?'; then he wants sex. It's completely up to you if you wanna sneak around with a married man. Just be careful because things can get complicated.
Okay here is what I have learn about this situation. Yes it is wrong for a married man to have a friend who is female and single or a female for that matter. It just starts trouble when it doesn't need to started in the first place.
what he SAID is innocent, but what he is thinking is probably NOT. he is probably testing the water. My guess is he wants sex...because guys don't usually say gay things like that to women....unless they are gay,
but lots of people think it's innocent because they live in lala land
It means ';I'm married and am not going to get divorced and am not going to have sex with you.';
With any luck he will have a single friend and you and he and his wife can go on a double date.
Either just a normal friendship line which is nothing more that a casual chat with someone human or trying to get into her pants for a no strings fling.
This is not rocket science. It means that he enjoys their friendship and communications.
It is right.
';I enjoy our friendship and communications and I can't stop thinking about you. I so want it to lead to sex';
It means that he enjoys their friendship and communications. Why do people have to take words and twist them into what they want them to be? Jez.
Does the wife know about this single girl? If he's carrying on this friendship behind his wife's back, then it's something hidden, and that's really not good.
hmm.. its harmless. But as a wife of that married man I would be really hurt by his actions. He shouldn't be talking to anybody like this except his wife and same goes for the wife.
He just wants to be friends ....He's married find a single guy already about if some girl was messing with your man or hubby ....How RUDE
I think he wants to get into her pants. That's what I think it really means.
not wrong, what are you two doing alone during your friendship and communications? o.0
he enjoys the friendship and/ or hes willing to cheat with this ';friend';
Oh my that he suppose to say to you not her. Lady I would be hurt.
It's just a good gesture. just means he's glad to be your friend
well just that.
Legal Questioin: My mother is not married. Does the eldest child make her medical decisions or does her brot?
My mother is in the hospital and we need to know if Tennessee Law allows her eldest child to make decisioins or does my mother's brother make those if my mother is not married?Legal Questioin: My mother is not married. Does the eldest child make her medical decisions or does her brot?
Hopefully your Mom took care of assigning someone that task. Can you ask her or is she unable to communitcate?Legal Questioin: My mother is not married. Does the eldest child make her medical decisions or does her brot?
The legal next of kin would be her children. If she had no children, then her mother (if living) and then her siblings would make decisions if she was unable to. Ideally, if she had health conditions which might render it necessary for someone to make medical decisions for her, she would appoint someone as her power of attorney.
If the eldest child is over 18, I would say it would be them. Speak to Social Services at the hospital they can help, and if your mom is of sound mind she can sign durable power of attorney at the hospital and put whomever she wants in charge.
If you need to know Tennessee Law then I suggest you contact the state of Tennessee or a lawyer in that state.
the hospital where she is at should be able to tell you that
Hopefully your Mom took care of assigning someone that task. Can you ask her or is she unable to communitcate?Legal Questioin: My mother is not married. Does the eldest child make her medical decisions or does her brot?
The legal next of kin would be her children. If she had no children, then her mother (if living) and then her siblings would make decisions if she was unable to. Ideally, if she had health conditions which might render it necessary for someone to make medical decisions for her, she would appoint someone as her power of attorney.
If the eldest child is over 18, I would say it would be them. Speak to Social Services at the hospital they can help, and if your mom is of sound mind she can sign durable power of attorney at the hospital and put whomever she wants in charge.
If you need to know Tennessee Law then I suggest you contact the state of Tennessee or a lawyer in that state.
the hospital where she is at should be able to tell you that
Where do you go to get married in Milwaukee WI?
What type of pertinent information is needed?Where do you go to get married in Milwaukee WI?
All marriages in Wisconsin are recorded in their respective County courthouses. Applications are there also. They would be able to tell you what you need.wet eyeshadow
All marriages in Wisconsin are recorded in their respective County courthouses. Applications are there also. They would be able to tell you what you need.
How long did you stay unhappily married?
How long did you stay?
Why did you stay?
What made you finally work up the courage to leave?How long did you stay unhappily married?
I knew after the first year. I was pregnant when we married and gave birth to a full term still born. It was terrible. My husband was not supportive or excited about the baby. I was crushed. I knew then and there that he wasn't a family man and I wanted a family. I asked him for a divorce. He claimed he loved me and wanted to spend his life with me. I told him I wanted children and we started trying again. He didn't get too excited about this baby either.....We were married for 24 years. We had three children together. I did everything, he did his own thing. After the death of our son who was 20, I realized that there was nothing left for me with this man. We didn't feel the same way about our son and I couldn't grieve with him. When I got married, I made a promise to him in front of a congregation of family and friends and I thought it should be forever. I tried my best, that is for sure. I guess the turning point for me was when my husband said he didn't want to do anything special to mark the first anniversary of the loss of our son. Our son took his life so he didn't feel like it was worthy of remembering him in any special way. Wow.How long did you stay unhappily married?
I was married for 4 years most of which I was very unhappy. It was an abusive situation in every way and although I struggled to save the marriage I realized it was never going to be a healthy relationship. Did the counselling, sought support from the church, did a lot of research by reading you name it, I tried. Unfortuantely, it was a one sided situation--not being treated as an equal, being objectified, told it was my fault that I was so unhappy, not to mention the physical abuse. I was making plans to leave but my husband was arrested for assault so currently we are separated. Emotionally, I left the relationship 2 years ago. I'm now looking forward to restoring the joy I once felt and am on my healing journey. I will never allow it to happen to me again.
married two years, unhappy two years. working on getting out right now with the help of weekly therapy. i married him, he cheated before we got married several times ( i knew about one time) and found out after the wedding it was more. now he is getting abusive and he still lies.
why i stayed? i felt i needed him. he made me feel special, or so i thought (yeah...i know). i have lost all my self esteem with him and thought i cant live without him. its pathetic and sad, but this what happened and i cant leave without help.
I have been married for 30 years. Stayed in the marriage for the children. Now they are grown, an my excuse seems to be the grandchildren now. He loves me, an I don't want to hurt him. But, I would like more attention, an things in common. These days men are hard to find that are decent, an want to treat you as a lady. So, I am still married in my 50;s. I know the clock is ticking, an still have no answers. He supports me money wise, but he his more of a roommate, except when the moment moves him to say something of my interests. So, it is hard, an I feel for you.
In my last relationship, I would guess one year. I was unhappy right in the very beginning but at the time I was pregnant and thought it was the right thing to do. I thought love would come in time but it never did. Instead I had nothing but misery the whole time. My ex only cared about himself and his own needs. When I was sick he treated me like I was not even human. I got well again within a year and left him and moved back to my home state. I felt like a gray cloud had been lifted off of me.
Will be 25 damn years in couple week . Too afraid to leave ( financially , safety , and kids ...) Now , the kids older and aged made me realized that life too short ...But , so sad I am still stuck ...
So far, almost 5 years.
Hope I don't go down that road.
1.) Way to long
2.) My children
3.) The B@ tch left us. ( Thank you God for answering at least ONE of my prayers )
which one?
Why did you stay?
What made you finally work up the courage to leave?How long did you stay unhappily married?
I knew after the first year. I was pregnant when we married and gave birth to a full term still born. It was terrible. My husband was not supportive or excited about the baby. I was crushed. I knew then and there that he wasn't a family man and I wanted a family. I asked him for a divorce. He claimed he loved me and wanted to spend his life with me. I told him I wanted children and we started trying again. He didn't get too excited about this baby either.....We were married for 24 years. We had three children together. I did everything, he did his own thing. After the death of our son who was 20, I realized that there was nothing left for me with this man. We didn't feel the same way about our son and I couldn't grieve with him. When I got married, I made a promise to him in front of a congregation of family and friends and I thought it should be forever. I tried my best, that is for sure. I guess the turning point for me was when my husband said he didn't want to do anything special to mark the first anniversary of the loss of our son. Our son took his life so he didn't feel like it was worthy of remembering him in any special way. Wow.How long did you stay unhappily married?
I was married for 4 years most of which I was very unhappy. It was an abusive situation in every way and although I struggled to save the marriage I realized it was never going to be a healthy relationship. Did the counselling, sought support from the church, did a lot of research by reading you name it, I tried. Unfortuantely, it was a one sided situation--not being treated as an equal, being objectified, told it was my fault that I was so unhappy, not to mention the physical abuse. I was making plans to leave but my husband was arrested for assault so currently we are separated. Emotionally, I left the relationship 2 years ago. I'm now looking forward to restoring the joy I once felt and am on my healing journey. I will never allow it to happen to me again.
married two years, unhappy two years. working on getting out right now with the help of weekly therapy. i married him, he cheated before we got married several times ( i knew about one time) and found out after the wedding it was more. now he is getting abusive and he still lies.
why i stayed? i felt i needed him. he made me feel special, or so i thought (yeah...i know). i have lost all my self esteem with him and thought i cant live without him. its pathetic and sad, but this what happened and i cant leave without help.
I have been married for 30 years. Stayed in the marriage for the children. Now they are grown, an my excuse seems to be the grandchildren now. He loves me, an I don't want to hurt him. But, I would like more attention, an things in common. These days men are hard to find that are decent, an want to treat you as a lady. So, I am still married in my 50;s. I know the clock is ticking, an still have no answers. He supports me money wise, but he his more of a roommate, except when the moment moves him to say something of my interests. So, it is hard, an I feel for you.
In my last relationship, I would guess one year. I was unhappy right in the very beginning but at the time I was pregnant and thought it was the right thing to do. I thought love would come in time but it never did. Instead I had nothing but misery the whole time. My ex only cared about himself and his own needs. When I was sick he treated me like I was not even human. I got well again within a year and left him and moved back to my home state. I felt like a gray cloud had been lifted off of me.
Will be 25 damn years in couple week . Too afraid to leave ( financially , safety , and kids ...) Now , the kids older and aged made me realized that life too short ...But , so sad I am still stuck ...
So far, almost 5 years.
Hope I don't go down that road.
1.) Way to long
2.) My children
3.) The B@ tch left us. ( Thank you God for answering at least ONE of my prayers )
which one?
Me and my malaysian bf are planning to get married (civil) in the Philippines.What requirements do we need to?
prepare especially for him?We are working in Singapore we only have 10 days to stay in the Philippines including the preparation for the civil wedding.Is the 10 days would be enough to process everything?Me and my malaysian bf are planning to get married (civil) in the Philippines.What requirements do we need to?鈥?/a>
Are you a US citizen? Anyway, I am almost 100% certain that 10 days will not be long enough. As it says, there is a 10 day waiting period on the license itself.Me and my malaysian bf are planning to get married (civil) in the Philippines.What requirements do we need to?
That won't be enough. You have to apply for a marriage license, then wait for 10 days (standard waiting period) and then you can get the license and get married.
I'm getting married in the Philippines next year, and I intend to take a 5-week leave from work (unpaid, if necessary)... my schedule, to give you an idea, would be:
Arrive on weekend...
1st Monday - Apply for marriage license
...wait, wait, wait....
3rd Monday - claim license
3rd Friday - wedding day (private ceremony, no need to invite non-family)
4th Friday - wedding reception (for all family %26amp; friends concerned, scheduled a little later to give time allowance for unforeseen incidents)
The rest of the days, bonding with my new hubby, until my flight on the 5th weekend.
Someone I know married an Australian in the Philippines, and there were lots of requirements... blood test, AIDS test, etc., for him, because he's a foreigner, so they needed more time... he actually went to the Philippines twice (3wks each): first, to undergo the necessary tests and apply for marriage license, and next, for the wedding.鈥?/a>
Are you a US citizen? Anyway, I am almost 100% certain that 10 days will not be long enough. As it says, there is a 10 day waiting period on the license itself.Me and my malaysian bf are planning to get married (civil) in the Philippines.What requirements do we need to?
That won't be enough. You have to apply for a marriage license, then wait for 10 days (standard waiting period) and then you can get the license and get married.
I'm getting married in the Philippines next year, and I intend to take a 5-week leave from work (unpaid, if necessary)... my schedule, to give you an idea, would be:
Arrive on weekend...
1st Monday - Apply for marriage license
...wait, wait, wait....
3rd Monday - claim license
3rd Friday - wedding day (private ceremony, no need to invite non-family)
4th Friday - wedding reception (for all family %26amp; friends concerned, scheduled a little later to give time allowance for unforeseen incidents)
The rest of the days, bonding with my new hubby, until my flight on the 5th weekend.
Someone I know married an Australian in the Philippines, and there were lots of requirements... blood test, AIDS test, etc., for him, because he's a foreigner, so they needed more time... he actually went to the Philippines twice (3wks each): first, to undergo the necessary tests and apply for marriage license, and next, for the wedding.
Why are married men increasingly playing with men (sexually)? Do you think everyone is bisexual to some degree?
As per Kinsey , there are very few who are 100% homosexual or 100% heterosexual. Majority of us fall under Bisexual with attractions toward both sexes. Has society accepted bi-sexuality. It seems like it is cool to be bi now.Why are married men increasingly playing with men (sexually)? Do you think everyone is bisexual to some degree?
Yes. To Some degree. Everyone has had a fantasy wether in a dream or while awake. There is no denying it.Why are married men increasingly playing with men (sexually)? Do you think everyone is bisexual to some degree?
I don't know where your getting your information from, but its more opposite, less lines are being crossed than 10 years ago
Maybe it isn't increasingly, just increasingly Aware of it. hmmm Well, they don't have to pick up the tab if they hang with another man. And they appreciate each others farts.
This is far from a new concept or trend. In fact, it was incredibly common place in ancient Greece, where older men (often married) would take a young male lover and not only have relations with them, but teach them of life, philosophy and culture. In more modern history, many men during the Victorian era had very intimate and public relationships with other men.
I don't think it's surprising turn of events at all, though. With more focus on gay and lesbian rights, gay marriage, etc, I would expect more men (and women) to become more comfortable with their sexuality and stop letting old traditions and fears keep them from loving who they want.
No, what your seeing in your country, is gay men and women who were society forced into mock heterosexual marriage by the strict anti homosexual laws, that were in India until this year.
Are all now openly coming out, since the strict anti homosexual laws have been over turned.
What you will see soon, is the divorce rates all across your country rise to high record levels. Due to Indian gay men and women no longer having to hide their sexual orientations. Will be divorcing and getting out of their society forced heterosexual mock marriages since they can be legally open about their sexuality.
All you are seeing is society forced heterosexual married ';gay'; men are coming out, not an increase of bisexuals. I doubt you'll see an increase of married Indian women being in three way relationship with their out gay husband and his male lover.
What seems cool, wont be all for the children of these society forced heterosexual married gay men and women. Having their parents divorce and coming to terms having a gay parent and having to put up with homophobic comments.
Yes. To Some degree. Everyone has had a fantasy wether in a dream or while awake. There is no denying it.Why are married men increasingly playing with men (sexually)? Do you think everyone is bisexual to some degree?
I don't know where your getting your information from, but its more opposite, less lines are being crossed than 10 years ago
Maybe it isn't increasingly, just increasingly Aware of it. hmmm Well, they don't have to pick up the tab if they hang with another man. And they appreciate each others farts.
This is far from a new concept or trend. In fact, it was incredibly common place in ancient Greece, where older men (often married) would take a young male lover and not only have relations with them, but teach them of life, philosophy and culture. In more modern history, many men during the Victorian era had very intimate and public relationships with other men.
I don't think it's surprising turn of events at all, though. With more focus on gay and lesbian rights, gay marriage, etc, I would expect more men (and women) to become more comfortable with their sexuality and stop letting old traditions and fears keep them from loving who they want.
No, what your seeing in your country, is gay men and women who were society forced into mock heterosexual marriage by the strict anti homosexual laws, that were in India until this year.
Are all now openly coming out, since the strict anti homosexual laws have been over turned.
What you will see soon, is the divorce rates all across your country rise to high record levels. Due to Indian gay men and women no longer having to hide their sexual orientations. Will be divorcing and getting out of their society forced heterosexual mock marriages since they can be legally open about their sexuality.
All you are seeing is society forced heterosexual married ';gay'; men are coming out, not an increase of bisexuals. I doubt you'll see an increase of married Indian women being in three way relationship with their out gay husband and his male lover.
What seems cool, wont be all for the children of these society forced heterosexual married gay men and women. Having their parents divorce and coming to terms having a gay parent and having to put up with homophobic comments.
Do you have to make an appointment to get married by a judge?
Me and my boyfriend live in KY and would like to get married before I leave for basic training this November. We were wondering if you had to make an appointment to get married by a judge.Do you have to make an appointment to get married by a judge?
Yes, you have to call your local court house and make sure a judge is there, to perform the cermony, that is all you will have to do. It is quite simple. My man and i did it this past July 1st...Do you have to make an appointment to get married by a judge?
I'm not sure about KY, besides some states the laws vary from county to county...
but in CO the procedure is this:
1- you go to the DMV to get a marriage license (costs $10 cash)
2- you call the courthouse and set up an appointment time with a judge to be married, the appointment time must be within 30 days of recieving the license or the license expires, and usually they can make an appointment for within a week so you don't have to worry about an expired license too much
3- you show up on the day of your appointment with the judge, show up early to fill-out paperwork, then pay a fee ($50 cash for civilans, free for those with a military ID)
4- the judge preforms the ceremony and you're married
5- the judge mails out a certificate saying that you're married to the local county records office
6- two weeks later the records office mails you back your offical marriage certificate
7- you can use the marriage certificate to change your name on your drivers license, state ID, and social security card by first going to the DMVs office then to the social security office
you really need to call your local courthouse and ask them what the laws are in your county:
some states require you to have a blood test done before you can get married, other states are varied on where you can get the marriage license
Different judges have different ways of doing things. Just call the clerk of court where that judge is assigned and ask. You will be told what to do.
Just call the courthouse and find out.
no go to your local court house and tell them what you wanna do and good luck
Yes you do.
Yeah most of the time
Yes, you have to call your local court house and make sure a judge is there, to perform the cermony, that is all you will have to do. It is quite simple. My man and i did it this past July 1st...Do you have to make an appointment to get married by a judge?
I'm not sure about KY, besides some states the laws vary from county to county...
but in CO the procedure is this:
1- you go to the DMV to get a marriage license (costs $10 cash)
2- you call the courthouse and set up an appointment time with a judge to be married, the appointment time must be within 30 days of recieving the license or the license expires, and usually they can make an appointment for within a week so you don't have to worry about an expired license too much
3- you show up on the day of your appointment with the judge, show up early to fill-out paperwork, then pay a fee ($50 cash for civilans, free for those with a military ID)
4- the judge preforms the ceremony and you're married
5- the judge mails out a certificate saying that you're married to the local county records office
6- two weeks later the records office mails you back your offical marriage certificate
7- you can use the marriage certificate to change your name on your drivers license, state ID, and social security card by first going to the DMVs office then to the social security office
you really need to call your local courthouse and ask them what the laws are in your county:
some states require you to have a blood test done before you can get married, other states are varied on where you can get the marriage license
Different judges have different ways of doing things. Just call the clerk of court where that judge is assigned and ask. You will be told what to do.
Just call the courthouse and find out.
no go to your local court house and tell them what you wanna do and good luck
Yes you do.
Yeah most of the time
Would you consider dating a guy who has been married 3 times?
He is good looking, successful and very nice. He has just made some bad decisions. Would you see 3 failed marriages as a really horrible thing. Unforgivable mistakes? Like he went to prison or killed someone.Would you consider dating a guy who has been married 3 times?
no, because im straightWould you consider dating a guy who has been married 3 times?
If he has had 3 failed marriages then there is something wrong. It's a sign he is not commited and if their not willing to commit why date him?
no, because im straightWould you consider dating a guy who has been married 3 times?
If he has had 3 failed marriages then there is something wrong. It's a sign he is not commited and if their not willing to commit why date him?
Does being married decrease your chances of being stationed overseas?
My girlfriend is a Japanese citizen. She would like me to request to be stationed in Japan, so she can keep close to her family. I hear the military doesn't want to pay for a soldier`s family, unless the soldier is important, like an officer, but in this case she already lives in japan. What would be the best thing to do?Does being married decrease your chances of being stationed overseas?
Hope and pray my friend, You can request all you want.
If your in a school, then you best be in the top 3 of your class, cause stationing goes in A-F order..
A lot of enlisted people try to get placed over seas (believe it or not)
You may have a better chance if you are married to her and trying to get out there.Does being married decrease your chances of being stationed overseas?
Best thing to do is do your job the best you can and request away. There are no guarantees in life and less so in the military. However, whoever told you the military doesn't want to pay for families is full of crap. If that were true, there wouldn't be a whole system of dependent schools, medical system and housing on military installations worldwide. Being married has nothing to do with the assignments you get. However, you cannot take family on all assignments.
Also, where you get stationed is dependent on your MOS/AFSC, your skill level, and need for your job at a particular location. So if they need someone at your skill level and your MOS/AFSC in Japan, then it's possible. If your job can't be stationed in Japan, there is no point in you requesting it. However, you should know that you can can't stay there forever if you get most 3 years...maybe 6 if married and then you will be reassigned and maybe never see Japan again.
Being married does not change the odds of being stationed overseas.
Getting paid for your dependents to go overseas with you is called ';Command Sponsorship.'; Whether you will be command-sponsored is dependent mostly on where it is you are travelling. Nowadays they are actually increasing the number of command-sponsored tours they offer. Being a higher rank does help.
That said, if she is Japanese anyway she can always get a civilian job and you can have her live in Japan on your own dime.
First, Is your girlfriend in the military too? Being married doesnt decrease your chances, but if you get married your wife comes with you where every you go unless is a deployment or a short tour. But they dont care where shes from, that want make them sent you therewet eyeshadow
Hope and pray my friend, You can request all you want.
If your in a school, then you best be in the top 3 of your class, cause stationing goes in A-F order..
A lot of enlisted people try to get placed over seas (believe it or not)
You may have a better chance if you are married to her and trying to get out there.Does being married decrease your chances of being stationed overseas?
Best thing to do is do your job the best you can and request away. There are no guarantees in life and less so in the military. However, whoever told you the military doesn't want to pay for families is full of crap. If that were true, there wouldn't be a whole system of dependent schools, medical system and housing on military installations worldwide. Being married has nothing to do with the assignments you get. However, you cannot take family on all assignments.
Also, where you get stationed is dependent on your MOS/AFSC, your skill level, and need for your job at a particular location. So if they need someone at your skill level and your MOS/AFSC in Japan, then it's possible. If your job can't be stationed in Japan, there is no point in you requesting it. However, you should know that you can can't stay there forever if you get most 3 years...maybe 6 if married and then you will be reassigned and maybe never see Japan again.
Being married does not change the odds of being stationed overseas.
Getting paid for your dependents to go overseas with you is called ';Command Sponsorship.'; Whether you will be command-sponsored is dependent mostly on where it is you are travelling. Nowadays they are actually increasing the number of command-sponsored tours they offer. Being a higher rank does help.
That said, if she is Japanese anyway she can always get a civilian job and you can have her live in Japan on your own dime.
First, Is your girlfriend in the military too? Being married doesnt decrease your chances, but if you get married your wife comes with you where every you go unless is a deployment or a short tour. But they dont care where shes from, that want make them sent you there
In Rhode Island, can a father that was never married to the mother sue for joint custody of children?
He is the biological father of all children.In Rhode Island, can a father that was never married to the mother sue for joint custody of children?
Yes, fathers have rights. What you need is a FEMALE attorney. Make a daily diary of when he doesn't call, come by, or make a payment.
When looking for an attorney, they will promise you the ';stars.'; Then once you hire them, unless you have money, they won't do anything for you. You need to start doing your own research and TELL them nicely what you want done. This is no time to quibble about the fact that you don't have money. Find it. Work 2 jobs. Do whatever it takes. Stop all frivilous buying. Stop buying clothes and having your nails and hair done. Your children are more important now.
Completely clean your up your act. No overnights with lovers, drinking, or drugs. Make friends with your enemies and don't make any enemies.
If there's something you don't like in the ';offer'; refuse.
There will more than likely be a GAL appointed to the children. He's not going to be nice to you or your EX. He can't build a relationship with you. His interests are only in the children.
If you've been bad mouthing the EX, stop. It will be used against you.
Ask him to spend more time with the children. Call and ask at least 2 weeks in advance if he will take the children for a weekend, if he doesn't make a note of it. Do this alot. Everytime he says, ';no'; it show that he really doesn't have time for them. YOU MUST KEEP A DIARY.
Joint custody rarely works and usually just a power trip by the man to control the woman. It will also keep you from moving.
Best wishes.In Rhode Island, can a father that was never married to the mother sue for joint custody of children?
Unless RI has a different law, in most states the father does not have to be the husband of the mother to exercise parental rights and also to be held financially responsible for their care.
Of course. Marriage has nothing to do with it.
i,d say yes see a lawyer
Yes, fathers have rights. What you need is a FEMALE attorney. Make a daily diary of when he doesn't call, come by, or make a payment.
When looking for an attorney, they will promise you the ';stars.'; Then once you hire them, unless you have money, they won't do anything for you. You need to start doing your own research and TELL them nicely what you want done. This is no time to quibble about the fact that you don't have money. Find it. Work 2 jobs. Do whatever it takes. Stop all frivilous buying. Stop buying clothes and having your nails and hair done. Your children are more important now.
Completely clean your up your act. No overnights with lovers, drinking, or drugs. Make friends with your enemies and don't make any enemies.
If there's something you don't like in the ';offer'; refuse.
There will more than likely be a GAL appointed to the children. He's not going to be nice to you or your EX. He can't build a relationship with you. His interests are only in the children.
If you've been bad mouthing the EX, stop. It will be used against you.
Ask him to spend more time with the children. Call and ask at least 2 weeks in advance if he will take the children for a weekend, if he doesn't make a note of it. Do this alot. Everytime he says, ';no'; it show that he really doesn't have time for them. YOU MUST KEEP A DIARY.
Joint custody rarely works and usually just a power trip by the man to control the woman. It will also keep you from moving.
Best wishes.In Rhode Island, can a father that was never married to the mother sue for joint custody of children?
Unless RI has a different law, in most states the father does not have to be the husband of the mother to exercise parental rights and also to be held financially responsible for their care.
Of course. Marriage has nothing to do with it.
i,d say yes see a lawyer
Is there any place for financial help in getting married to a woman from a foreign country?
I know this may sound like an odd question, but I really need some help. I am planning on getting married to a wonderful Brazilian woman currently living in Japan. She has two children, ages 12 and 3. My question is this: Are there any institutions or organizations that help with the marriage of foreigners to Americans? Are there any that help with single mothers? Are there any readers of this question that God may have placed a burden on their heart to help two Christians start a life together? Thanks so much for all your help!Is there any place for financial help in getting married to a woman from a foreign country?
Unfortunately no. My sister married a guy from another country and she actually had to sign a document that promised that she would support him fully for ten years, even if they got a divorce within that time. If they did get a divorce and she was financially unable to support him and he was forced to go on welfare, then she would be required to pay back the government any monies he accepted in support.
The government isn't exactly clamoring to have foreign spouses come to the US. If you want to bring your fiancee here, you will need to be able to support yourself and her - because if you can't the government will ding you harshly.Is there any place for financial help in getting married to a woman from a foreign country?
While she's in Japan, she'll need to look there for help for single mothers. I've never heard of any of the others. It only costs about 50$ for a marriage certificate, so the extras are on the couple or the couple's family. Marrying someone from another country can take years to get them to America. It might be easier to live in Brazil.
Hmmmm well im a soldier and this happens a lot to us so we usually talk to our Chaplin and our JAG guy. I think you may want to seek some help from an attorney in your case who may know the laws and legal stuff that you are going to go through in getting married to a foreigner. Good luck.
Um, get a second job if you are that adamant about it.
i wish. but you're basically out of luck. there never really is financial aid for anyone who deserves it. ahh life. :(
Invest in a pair of running shoes...and run-run-run!
Unfortunately no. My sister married a guy from another country and she actually had to sign a document that promised that she would support him fully for ten years, even if they got a divorce within that time. If they did get a divorce and she was financially unable to support him and he was forced to go on welfare, then she would be required to pay back the government any monies he accepted in support.
The government isn't exactly clamoring to have foreign spouses come to the US. If you want to bring your fiancee here, you will need to be able to support yourself and her - because if you can't the government will ding you harshly.Is there any place for financial help in getting married to a woman from a foreign country?
While she's in Japan, she'll need to look there for help for single mothers. I've never heard of any of the others. It only costs about 50$ for a marriage certificate, so the extras are on the couple or the couple's family. Marrying someone from another country can take years to get them to America. It might be easier to live in Brazil.
Hmmmm well im a soldier and this happens a lot to us so we usually talk to our Chaplin and our JAG guy. I think you may want to seek some help from an attorney in your case who may know the laws and legal stuff that you are going to go through in getting married to a foreigner. Good luck.
Um, get a second job if you are that adamant about it.
i wish. but you're basically out of luck. there never really is financial aid for anyone who deserves it. ahh life. :(
Invest in a pair of running shoes...and run-run-run!
How are your income taxes affected when you get married?
What is your income tax rate when you are married?How are your income taxes affected when you get married?
There's no magic number.
When married, you typically file married filing jointly.
You get a standard deduction that is 2x the single rate ($11400 for 2009) and 2 exemptions ($3650). After that the tax rate is 10% on the next $16700, then 15%, then 25%, etc.How are your income taxes affected when you get married?
Your income tax rate is determined by the total amount of your taxable income. The rates for married persons vary from 10% (0% if you include persons who do not have enough income to have any tax) to over 25%.
You can file a joint return, which often but not always gives you a lower total income tax between you than if you were still single. Depending on your circumstances though, the tax could be more/refund smaller.
You get the benefit of filing jointly. The tax rates won't edge up as quickly as when you were single. The only possible downside is if you are both high income earners.
There's no magic number.
When married, you typically file married filing jointly.
You get a standard deduction that is 2x the single rate ($11400 for 2009) and 2 exemptions ($3650). After that the tax rate is 10% on the next $16700, then 15%, then 25%, etc.How are your income taxes affected when you get married?
Your income tax rate is determined by the total amount of your taxable income. The rates for married persons vary from 10% (0% if you include persons who do not have enough income to have any tax) to over 25%.
You can file a joint return, which often but not always gives you a lower total income tax between you than if you were still single. Depending on your circumstances though, the tax could be more/refund smaller.
You get the benefit of filing jointly. The tax rates won't edge up as quickly as when you were single. The only possible downside is if you are both high income earners.
What are fun things to do for a young married couple?
Hi there. My husband and I are married for 4 years, no kids. I'm looking for a list of fun things to do with your spouse that don't require a lot of $$$ and don't have to have too much prep. Please share what you do as a couple that brings you closer. Thanks!What are fun things to do for a young married couple?
well...since supper is a usual part of every day......why not do it up picnic style and take a walk in the park after work together....sit by the water and enjoy an evening picnic together...bring some bread crumbs to feed the birds .........or if you don't feel like going out ...have a picnic on the living room floor right at home..spread a blanket out......have some music playing......candles lit...and just enjoy each other's company..........doesn't have to be a huge thing.....some fried chicken, biscuits, salad......something fun for dessert...chocolate dipped strawberries......nice wine or sparkling water if you don't drink etc etc....
if you live by the beach you could take a walk on the beach at nite
have a movie night at home....for only the cost of a movie rental and snacks...or make your own snacks
share a night at the spa together at home....massage oils, foot rubs etc etc
read a book together
write an erotic story together...or each right one and share......
check out some of the adult board games......
learn something new about each other......(the adult board games can be great for this)
Google Laura Corn(author) for some great ideas on putting some spice into relationship
plan a trip together where you would go what you would want to see etc etc....
What are fun things to do for a young married couple?
Bowling is always a cheap fun date, also the drive in movies... going there can make you really feel like your dating all over again! im from Michigan.... Its Fall so Me and my friends love going apple picking at apple orchards, they have hay rides,corn mazes, hot apple cider, and delicous donuts! if theres one in your area it would be a great date!
well...since supper is a usual part of every day......why not do it up picnic style and take a walk in the park after work together....sit by the water and enjoy an evening picnic together...bring some bread crumbs to feed the birds .........or if you don't feel like going out ...have a picnic on the living room floor right at home..spread a blanket out......have some music playing......candles lit...and just enjoy each other's company..........doesn't have to be a huge thing.....some fried chicken, biscuits, salad......something fun for dessert...chocolate dipped strawberries......nice wine or sparkling water if you don't drink etc etc....
if you live by the beach you could take a walk on the beach at nite
have a movie night at home....for only the cost of a movie rental and snacks...or make your own snacks
share a night at the spa together at home....massage oils, foot rubs etc etc
read a book together
write an erotic story together...or each right one and share......
check out some of the adult board games......
learn something new about each other......(the adult board games can be great for this)
Google Laura Corn(author) for some great ideas on putting some spice into relationship
plan a trip together where you would go what you would want to see etc etc....
What are fun things to do for a young married couple?
Bowling is always a cheap fun date, also the drive in movies... going there can make you really feel like your dating all over again! im from Michigan.... Its Fall so Me and my friends love going apple picking at apple orchards, they have hay rides,corn mazes, hot apple cider, and delicous donuts! if theres one in your area it would be a great date!
Can a married couple enlist in the Navy together?
I'm currently speaking with a recruiter regarding enlistment into the United States Navy. My girlfriend is now interested in enlisting into the United States Navy as well. We intend to get married while in DEP and before shipping out to RTC. Can a married couple enlist together? If yes, how does this work, having two sailors married together? What chances do we have being assigned at or near the same location? Thank you for your time.Can a married couple enlist in the Navy together?
You sure can...they will more likely than not be stationed at the same port. You will get BAH and a half. They actually encourage this.
Both of you will be able to request spousal co-location when you enlist so that it is processed by the time your orders re ready to be written in A school.
It is not written in the enlistment contract. There are no 100% guarantees but it is not the Navy's intent to separate families.Can a married couple enlist in the Navy together?
You will get better than 1.5 times BAH. You will both receive full single/ no dependants BAH. If you have children, one of you will receive with dependants BAH (about 25% higher than single) and the other will continue to receive no dependants BAH
Personally I would reccomend you two do not enlist together. My fiance and I wanted to do the same thing. But there is a chance you could be stationed in Norfolk, VA, and your wife could be stationed in San Diego.
Even if you are at the same base, you would work in a different command, deploy seperately. Meaning you could go on a 6 month cruise(Deployment) come home, and your wife leaves for her 6 month deployment. Then you have a YEAR apart. Throw in training before and after, and all the sea time even when not wont see your wife much at all. Chances are maybe only 30 days a year.
I am telling you this because I wanted to do the same thing. The Active navy is TERRIBLE for married couples. Try AIR FORCE for family life.
A married couple can enlist together, as long as you don't have any kids, or you transfer custody to a grandparent, or a relative. You two should be able to be assigned at the same duty station if you are married before recieving orders.
YES! and they can also be stationed at the same location or on board the same ship. The same ship may be in question although. Its been awhile since I was active but the navy will do its best to keep both of you together.
ex-navy 20 yrs
You can both enlist. It would depend on your respective jobs where you both get stationed. I know they try to get married couples stationed together. Sometimes it can't be done.
you can and you could call personnel their office and ask them or recuriter and they can tellyou but its goodto ask i know they can just not sure how to go about it they can station you together also.
yes, you guys can enlist together.
i dont know exactly the chances of being in the same base, but yeah, theres a good possibility....
Yes! The Navy will try to keep you together as best possible. You just can't serve in the same unit where nepotism might occur.
Assignments are tricky, but once there is a child it becomes policy that one of you is on shore duty at any given time.
YES! Thank so for being good Americans. I wish you all the best of luck!
You sure can...they will more likely than not be stationed at the same port. You will get BAH and a half. They actually encourage this.
Both of you will be able to request spousal co-location when you enlist so that it is processed by the time your orders re ready to be written in A school.
It is not written in the enlistment contract. There are no 100% guarantees but it is not the Navy's intent to separate families.Can a married couple enlist in the Navy together?
You will get better than 1.5 times BAH. You will both receive full single/ no dependants BAH. If you have children, one of you will receive with dependants BAH (about 25% higher than single) and the other will continue to receive no dependants BAH
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Personally I would reccomend you two do not enlist together. My fiance and I wanted to do the same thing. But there is a chance you could be stationed in Norfolk, VA, and your wife could be stationed in San Diego.
Even if you are at the same base, you would work in a different command, deploy seperately. Meaning you could go on a 6 month cruise(Deployment) come home, and your wife leaves for her 6 month deployment. Then you have a YEAR apart. Throw in training before and after, and all the sea time even when not wont see your wife much at all. Chances are maybe only 30 days a year.
I am telling you this because I wanted to do the same thing. The Active navy is TERRIBLE for married couples. Try AIR FORCE for family life.
A married couple can enlist together, as long as you don't have any kids, or you transfer custody to a grandparent, or a relative. You two should be able to be assigned at the same duty station if you are married before recieving orders.
YES! and they can also be stationed at the same location or on board the same ship. The same ship may be in question although. Its been awhile since I was active but the navy will do its best to keep both of you together.
ex-navy 20 yrs
You can both enlist. It would depend on your respective jobs where you both get stationed. I know they try to get married couples stationed together. Sometimes it can't be done.
you can and you could call personnel their office and ask them or recuriter and they can tellyou but its goodto ask i know they can just not sure how to go about it they can station you together also.
yes, you guys can enlist together.
i dont know exactly the chances of being in the same base, but yeah, theres a good possibility....
Yes! The Navy will try to keep you together as best possible. You just can't serve in the same unit where nepotism might occur.
Assignments are tricky, but once there is a child it becomes policy that one of you is on shore duty at any given time.
YES! Thank so for being good Americans. I wish you all the best of luck!
Did any of you Army wives get married at seventeen or eighteen?
If you did, how did things turn out?
I know I posted this in another section, I just wanted to see what other answers I'd get in this section.Did any of you Army wives get married at seventeen or eighteen?
Well I was 21 years old and hubby was 18 when we got married. 3 days after we got married, he left for Army basic Training. Of course we heard the ';Your too young to get married'; ';You should wait until after he gets back from Basic and AIT'; ';You should wait about 1-2 years and then see how you feel';
Today, we have 3 girls and have been married 14 years and he is still in the Army.
We have had our ups and downs, and sometimes it felt like there have been more downs than ups. But I really wouldn't change marrying him when we did. It was extremely hard in the beginning and we did argue some days but everytime time I listen to that Shaina Twain it fits us.
Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'
They said, ';I bet they'll never make it';
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strongDid any of you Army wives get married at seventeen or eighteen?
I was 23, and divorced the a**hole after barely 2 years because he cheated. It wasn't about age. It was about maturity (or lack thereof), expectations (he expected me to turn a blind eye), and opportunity.
I've been in the military since 1994, have met plenty of couples who married young and remain strong. Also many who married young and didn't make it (some unfortunately had kids...and it's the kids who suffer most in divorce). It boils down to having realistic expectations, and the love and desire it takes to make a marriage work. Cause it ain't easy. I'm happily remarried now.
I did and we have been happily married18 years and more in love today then we were then, we have a 17 year old son and my husband has been in the Army 15 years so far and just re enlisted.
I was 19 turning 20. I am now 20 turning 21, he is deployed, and I am 3 1/2 months pregnant, and we are very happy. We have been married for a little over a year now.
I wasn't much older I was 20 and my husband and I were both military. 11 years later we are still going strong. It is all about commitment, communication, compromise and trust.
I know I posted this in another section, I just wanted to see what other answers I'd get in this section.Did any of you Army wives get married at seventeen or eighteen?
Well I was 21 years old and hubby was 18 when we got married. 3 days after we got married, he left for Army basic Training. Of course we heard the ';Your too young to get married'; ';You should wait until after he gets back from Basic and AIT'; ';You should wait about 1-2 years and then see how you feel';
Today, we have 3 girls and have been married 14 years and he is still in the Army.
We have had our ups and downs, and sometimes it felt like there have been more downs than ups. But I really wouldn't change marrying him when we did. It was extremely hard in the beginning and we did argue some days but everytime time I listen to that Shaina Twain it fits us.
Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'
They said, ';I bet they'll never make it';
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strongDid any of you Army wives get married at seventeen or eighteen?
I was 23, and divorced the a**hole after barely 2 years because he cheated. It wasn't about age. It was about maturity (or lack thereof), expectations (he expected me to turn a blind eye), and opportunity.
I've been in the military since 1994, have met plenty of couples who married young and remain strong. Also many who married young and didn't make it (some unfortunately had kids...and it's the kids who suffer most in divorce). It boils down to having realistic expectations, and the love and desire it takes to make a marriage work. Cause it ain't easy. I'm happily remarried now.
I did and we have been happily married18 years and more in love today then we were then, we have a 17 year old son and my husband has been in the Army 15 years so far and just re enlisted.
I was 19 turning 20. I am now 20 turning 21, he is deployed, and I am 3 1/2 months pregnant, and we are very happy. We have been married for a little over a year now.
I wasn't much older I was 20 and my husband and I were both military. 11 years later we are still going strong. It is all about commitment, communication, compromise and trust.
What do you think about a female who is in her early thirties and not married?
and is still working on getting her career going. Most people would say that if a woman is in her 30's and not married it's because she is too busy with her career...but what if the woman is in her 30's and still doesn't have a career established? What do you think about a female who is in her early thirties and not married?
I don't think anything of it people who say that if a women is in her 30's and not married it's because she is too busy with her career can't just assume that and sounds closed minded to me What if she doesn't want to get married at that time in her life? Maybe she wants to be single There can be other reasons. What do you think about a female who is in her early thirties and not married?
I don't see anything wrong with it at all. I'm 35, never been married and never want to as I don't see the need for it. I'm not interested in having a career either.
Too many people judge others who aren't married, and probably think it's not done through choice and think that a relationship without marriage is somehow inferior. I suppose I'm in the minority as most people do want to get married, especially women.
I've never been interested in having a career either. I'm quite happy having a part time job, and having lots of free time to actually live my life.
i'm 28 and i just went back to school so i could get a real job.i know i wasted alot of time partying and slacking off but i wanted to's never to late just set some short tearm goals that are realistic and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish.good luck i'm sure you'll be fine.
i would say she is pretty smart! do need to be able to support yourself.. that is a must... and...maybe she doesnt want a career. maybe she just likes to be free and independent. nothing wrong with that...if she is happy, who are we to say what she should do. it is entirely up to her....
The most important thing is that you're comfortable with yourself. More women are staying single longer now if not forever. Your marital status shouldn't define your self-worth. If anything, it just shows that you're more independent.
I would think she is between 30 and 40 years old and doesn't have a husband. That's about as objective as I can be.
I definitely don't see anything negative about being in her thirties and not married.
Get a career going and meet a cute smart guy. It is not a bad thing.
She just hasn't found the right one yet %26amp;%26amp; it'll happen soon so if i was her i wouldn't worry. Everything takes time :)
I would say it sounds like she wasted a lot of time in her 20s.
I'm 25, %26amp; that will be me in 8 yrs. My life is getting nowhere. Just a waste. I'll never get a good husband or job.
love will come, dont worry focus on youre career, but make sure thats what makes you happy : )
It's your life - my opinion is irrelevant.
That poor woman.
She must have some high standards.
I don't think anything of it people who say that if a women is in her 30's and not married it's because she is too busy with her career can't just assume that and sounds closed minded to me What if she doesn't want to get married at that time in her life? Maybe she wants to be single There can be other reasons. What do you think about a female who is in her early thirties and not married?
I don't see anything wrong with it at all. I'm 35, never been married and never want to as I don't see the need for it. I'm not interested in having a career either.
Too many people judge others who aren't married, and probably think it's not done through choice and think that a relationship without marriage is somehow inferior. I suppose I'm in the minority as most people do want to get married, especially women.
I've never been interested in having a career either. I'm quite happy having a part time job, and having lots of free time to actually live my life.
i'm 28 and i just went back to school so i could get a real job.i know i wasted alot of time partying and slacking off but i wanted to's never to late just set some short tearm goals that are realistic and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish.good luck i'm sure you'll be fine.
i would say she is pretty smart! do need to be able to support yourself.. that is a must... and...maybe she doesnt want a career. maybe she just likes to be free and independent. nothing wrong with that...if she is happy, who are we to say what she should do. it is entirely up to her....
The most important thing is that you're comfortable with yourself. More women are staying single longer now if not forever. Your marital status shouldn't define your self-worth. If anything, it just shows that you're more independent.
I would think she is between 30 and 40 years old and doesn't have a husband. That's about as objective as I can be.
I definitely don't see anything negative about being in her thirties and not married.
Get a career going and meet a cute smart guy. It is not a bad thing.
She just hasn't found the right one yet %26amp;%26amp; it'll happen soon so if i was her i wouldn't worry. Everything takes time :)
I would say it sounds like she wasted a lot of time in her 20s.
I'm 25, %26amp; that will be me in 8 yrs. My life is getting nowhere. Just a waste. I'll never get a good husband or job.
love will come, dont worry focus on youre career, but make sure thats what makes you happy : )
It's your life - my opinion is irrelevant.
That poor woman.
She must have some high standards.
Anybody with runaway wedding and had successfull married life?
Mine is a runaway marriage as parents were not agreeing.We tried but in vain. I wanted to know if other couples out there doen it too and since there is NO Support from either parents , have any of these couples had a successful marriage? If any problems occured between husband and wife , how they tackled? I am not just curious but seriosuly wanna know for my marriage.serious replies Only !Anybody with runaway wedding and had successfull married life?
Arranged or love marriage needs compromise. Personally i feel that love marriage(iam not talking abt. love+arranged marriage) needs great understanding of couples and both should be supportive in crisis as crisis ( financially or emotionally ) happens more in love marriage due to no support ( financially or emotionally ) from any one.
Mine will be a runaway wedding as we are not able to convince parents for the past 9 years.Even iam scared to death getting in to marriage like this.Iam having a tough time managing finances! which is one biggest issue but yes we both understand when any one of us get angry.Anybody with runaway wedding and had successfull married life?
Ok, lets put it this way. My mom and dad got married at a gas station because the owner was also a JP. My dad didn't have the money for a ring, so he bought her a cross necklace.
My mom's mother has denounced her as her daughter, and the same with my father and his mother. His dad was the worst alcoholic in the world and hated him until the day he died.
Thirty years later my parents are still married. My dad makes good money and my mother is a thrid grade teacher.
hello dear, both marriages required compromises, loyalty and trust.
mine is love marriage and it run away marriage.but after one year parents agree and every thing fine.
but my didi's marriage is arranged...and both of them are not happy with each other.
well i handle our issues with very easy way...when is is angry i shut my mouth and when i my angry he shut his mouth....
we got married against parents wishes, 15 years and we are still happily married. over time our parents consented and now I am the best damad for them and she is the best bahu for my parents. we have two kids. our own home in delhi. all the luxuries.
when we got married I had just 3000 rs in my pocket.
Yes, there are successful couples but it is not advisable b coz if something wrong between the too happens, the affected girl suffers much more. Sometimes parents too behave dictatorially like Hitler, particularly while marrying off their daughters.
Why are the parents so opposed to the wedding?
you can run but you can't hide...
NOOOOOOO Dont ever do that....
Running away is worse.. Listen to your parents.
Arranged or love marriage needs compromise. Personally i feel that love marriage(iam not talking abt. love+arranged marriage) needs great understanding of couples and both should be supportive in crisis as crisis ( financially or emotionally ) happens more in love marriage due to no support ( financially or emotionally ) from any one.
Mine will be a runaway wedding as we are not able to convince parents for the past 9 years.Even iam scared to death getting in to marriage like this.Iam having a tough time managing finances! which is one biggest issue but yes we both understand when any one of us get angry.Anybody with runaway wedding and had successfull married life?
Ok, lets put it this way. My mom and dad got married at a gas station because the owner was also a JP. My dad didn't have the money for a ring, so he bought her a cross necklace.
My mom's mother has denounced her as her daughter, and the same with my father and his mother. His dad was the worst alcoholic in the world and hated him until the day he died.
Thirty years later my parents are still married. My dad makes good money and my mother is a thrid grade teacher.
hello dear, both marriages required compromises, loyalty and trust.
mine is love marriage and it run away marriage.but after one year parents agree and every thing fine.
but my didi's marriage is arranged...and both of them are not happy with each other.
well i handle our issues with very easy way...when is is angry i shut my mouth and when i my angry he shut his mouth....
we got married against parents wishes, 15 years and we are still happily married. over time our parents consented and now I am the best damad for them and she is the best bahu for my parents. we have two kids. our own home in delhi. all the luxuries.
when we got married I had just 3000 rs in my pocket.
Yes, there are successful couples but it is not advisable b coz if something wrong between the too happens, the affected girl suffers much more. Sometimes parents too behave dictatorially like Hitler, particularly while marrying off their daughters.
Why are the parents so opposed to the wedding?
you can run but you can't hide...
NOOOOOOO Dont ever do that....
Running away is worse.. Listen to your parents.
Do i have to have 6months left on my visa in order to get married to a british citizen?
I've met the love of my life. Im from South-Africa and find it really difficult finding out what the best way is to get married.Do i have to have 6months left on my visa in order to get married to a british citizen?
the best way to get married is by taking the first step which is asking the lady in question for her hand, apply for a wedding document or however u guys make marriage all holy and legal in the sight of god and the law, then u look for a good church, court etc n tie the knot, with her family and friends and yours present.Do i have to have 6months left on my visa in order to get married to a british citizen?
If you are only wanting to get married to a UK citizen to extend your visa forget it!
Otherwise go to the Citizens Advice Bureau and get some free legal advice.
you can marry me i am one of her majesty's subjects and i don't need for you to even produce a passport let alone a visa
the best way to get married is by taking the first step which is asking the lady in question for her hand, apply for a wedding document or however u guys make marriage all holy and legal in the sight of god and the law, then u look for a good church, court etc n tie the knot, with her family and friends and yours present.Do i have to have 6months left on my visa in order to get married to a british citizen?
If you are only wanting to get married to a UK citizen to extend your visa forget it!
Otherwise go to the Citizens Advice Bureau and get some free legal advice.
you can marry me i am one of her majesty's subjects and i don't need for you to even produce a passport let alone a visa
If marriage seems to have so many negative connotations, why do people still get married?
You hear it all the time about how marriage starts to suck after x amount of years. And you also see how married people around you behave.
But for some unexplained reason, most people still believe marriage is the way to go.
Why?If marriage seems to have so many negative connotations, why do people still get married?
Because there are exceptions. Everyone knows a couple who are happy in their 60s, 70s, even 90s. We all like to think that we too can be like them.
I plan to keep mine happy- I learned what NOT to do in my crappy 1st marriage, and I found a far better man!If marriage seems to have so many negative connotations, why do people still get married?
Marriage has negative connotations from people who have no clue.
Granted, people get married because they ';love'; each other, but when it comes right down to it, marriage has a lot more to do with mutual respect than love. Its about being best friends and trusting the other. Its about being at your worst and still knowing your partner for life is there for you. Its better than any buddy movie or chick flick you can imagine. Its a mutual partnership you share with another person. That's all it is, for better/for worse, through sickness/health. Its not some magic thing. Its the beginning of hard work and not for the weak of heart or mind.
It depends on the people who are getting married. People now a days are getting married way too soon in their relationship or they're the teens who get pregnant and marry their baby's daddy because they think that is their only option. The reason some marriages have problems and others don't is because some people don't wait for the right person and just get married to tell people that they're married. Some girls do it because they don't want to be an old maid.
I have been married for nineteen years and we have defiantly had our good times and our rough times. Marriage is what you make of it, how much you put into it. It's about giving all of yourself, making yourself vulnerable at times, it teaches you how to put someone else's needs and wants above your own at times. It's about unconditional love. Excepting your spouse for who they are, and that means all the bad things as well as the good. Divorce makes it so easy for people to just quit. That's the easy way out. Nothing worth while is easy or easily obtained. Marriage takes teamwork. The problem no a days is no one really thinks about those vows you say to each other anymore.
I think marriage is different for everyone.
Myself, I have only been married for a little over 1 year, but we had been together for 10 years previously. The thing is, marriage is NOT easy, and its not always a fairy tale. My hubby %26amp; I fight sometimes, but even when we went through some rough patches we dealt with it, talked it over, and got through it. I cannot imagine life without him, just like I couldn't imagine life without my 7 yr old.
I know people that have great marriages, and I know people who have crap marriages. Its all about what you put into it, not what you take out of it.
I also think too many people who are married give up too easily when they start to ';drift'; from their partner.
On the flip side, I have seen several friends get married for all the wrong reasons, and therefore are not happy.
Marriage isn't for everyone, but for me its for life.
Some people are actually happily married. Some people chose wisely and so are enjoying their years together instead of being bitter because they were foolish in their youth. But that's just some people. You can't generalize marriage. Nobody's marriage is the same as anyone else's.
Some people just like to complain. So you might only be hearing what annoys them about marriage without ever hearing the things they love about being married.
I wonder the same exact thing myself.... especially those who have married 2, 3, 5 times.... I mean, they're just retards, sorry to be harsh but it's true. As the 1st poster said, I don't need to be married to live with the person I love, AND to be happy AND to be committed. Unfortunately society imposes a certain POV on most people and they marry because ';that's what things should be like'; and what the ';right thing to do'; is. I've read here a lot of people saying that, if a man doesn't want to marry a woman, it means he doesn't love her enough to make a long-life committment, to take the risk of tying the knot and building a family, and thus is not willing to take her seriously and will surely dump her after the 1st difficulty they have. This is ridiculous. Men get married and they still cheat and stray all the time.... so much for a committment!! Like the damn paper is going to make him keep it in his pants. NOT.
It's very true that marriage is a lot of work, but so is ANY relationship if you really want it to work. Unfortunately some people see marriage as something that will give them ';safety'; and companionship, because they don't feel financially secure by themselves or because they hate being alone. These are already BAD reasons to get married... but people do it anyway because they feel this is ';less bad'; than being alone or having less $$$. I feel sorry for that people... they engage in unhappy marriages that after a few years they're crazy to get out from. Or maybe not.... and they just accept to live miserable lives. Pathetic. I'd rather be happy with the man I love and live with, for as long as it lasts, than being miserable in a marriage just because that's what I'm expected to do and then have a nasty divorce. No thanks, I'm happy the way I am!
Because not all married couples are miserable. My parents have had their ups and downs, but they have enough love and loyalty to work through the downs and enjoy the ups. They've been married over 30 years. I think that people aren't realistic about marriage, and rush into things without being aware of what they are getting into. Those same people are the ones that aren't willing to put in an effort to make things work when they get tough.
Marriage is not negative, people are.
The first two years are the hardest. I've been married for 7 months, and it's rough. We lived together before hand, and everything was perfect. We had the best relationship. Once you get married and realize OMG, I have to live with this person for the rest of my life, so start noticing little things. Like how he leaves the cabinet doors open, or how he leaves the toilet seat up. Things like that drive people crazy, start little fights, and it escalades. You just have to remember to talk about things, if you get mad [which will happen], walk away, calm down, and come back when you can talk reasonably. You also have to remember that he needs his time and you need yours. So plan a day every so often where you go off with your girls and he goes off with his guys.
People change over time, their needs and desires change and seems couples do not go through their personality changes at the same time. Marriage is a Beautiful union of love between two people but they have to have understanding and strength to keep it going. So marry for the wrong reasons but it impossible that you will get along with a person that you share so much with each and every day. Keeping the flame going to prevent the marriage from sucking after x years.
When people get married, I highly doubt that while they are saying their * I do's* that they are actually planning the * I don't*
Some people are really in love when they get married, but people and circumstances change. Some people start to abuse drugs and or alcohol. Some begin to abuse, emotionally, verbally, mentally and or sexually. There are many factors. I admire the ones that still love each other and stay until death do they part.
I just couldn't do it.
Well first of all, despite all the ups and downs of any relationship, not just marriage, I love being married to my husband. We have made a commitment to each other. We will be there for each other until the end. End of what? Our relationship or our lives, whichever comes first. True, we did live together before we got married and many people ask why we got married instead of just staying living together. Because although we were there for each other every day while living together, there was something missing in our relationship. He actually started calling me his wife before he ever proposed to me. He saw how that made my eyes light up and he wanted that for me. He wanted to give me his last name. He wanted me to know, without any doubt in my mind whatsoever that he was mine until ';the end.'; That's why I got married. I don't know why anyone else does it, but that's why I did it. And I don't regret it for a second. I love him dearly.
There are a few married couples who are happy in their relationship, for example my boyfriend's parents. Boyfriend is 25 and his brothers are in late 30's..their parents are STILL together to this day and no plans to go separate ways at all.
About a year after marriage people stop working on it, I know I'll never marry..I'm too complicated LOL I don't have to marry to live with a guy.
Indoctrination, think of it as a war, men who face a battle, know, many will be killed or injured, but always hope, it won't be them.
Most likely, men and women, who marry, with the odds about fifty fifty, feel they will be in the fifty percent who survive marriage.
Because some still love eachother the same after that x amount of years. I strive to have the marriage my parents have. They have been married for almost 19 years and still love eachother like the day they met.
only if I was married to you, would I think marriage sucks.... in fact, just seeing your ugly mug on YA makes me think life in general sucks.
Please... put a bag over that thing so the rest of us don't get nauseous.
Marriage does not have negative connotations,,,it is the people IN the marriage that have negative connotations
They hope that they are not the 1 out of every two that get divorced. They love the other person and believe that they will beat the odds.
Now this sounds like the real georgio... I'm starting to believe that georgio from yesterday was an impostor... there have been so many lately... what a shame when people are so bord that they have to impersonate others on this site!
Mine started to suck from the beginning but there is that other greater force I cannot say no to.
Either for money or they think that their love is so deep that it can withstand all troubles. I somewhat feel that way and I'm getting married next summer.
She is jealous as hell, but everything else is great.
Financial well being perhaps?
Hey greaseball, there is only room for ONE loser at a time on these boards, and I was here FIRST!
Marriage is what you make it. Its right and its moral!
Because we are all suckers!!!
cuz they dont think it will happen to them
cuz we r stupid!!..
But for some unexplained reason, most people still believe marriage is the way to go.
Why?If marriage seems to have so many negative connotations, why do people still get married?
Because there are exceptions. Everyone knows a couple who are happy in their 60s, 70s, even 90s. We all like to think that we too can be like them.
I plan to keep mine happy- I learned what NOT to do in my crappy 1st marriage, and I found a far better man!If marriage seems to have so many negative connotations, why do people still get married?
Marriage has negative connotations from people who have no clue.
Granted, people get married because they ';love'; each other, but when it comes right down to it, marriage has a lot more to do with mutual respect than love. Its about being best friends and trusting the other. Its about being at your worst and still knowing your partner for life is there for you. Its better than any buddy movie or chick flick you can imagine. Its a mutual partnership you share with another person. That's all it is, for better/for worse, through sickness/health. Its not some magic thing. Its the beginning of hard work and not for the weak of heart or mind.
It depends on the people who are getting married. People now a days are getting married way too soon in their relationship or they're the teens who get pregnant and marry their baby's daddy because they think that is their only option. The reason some marriages have problems and others don't is because some people don't wait for the right person and just get married to tell people that they're married. Some girls do it because they don't want to be an old maid.
I have been married for nineteen years and we have defiantly had our good times and our rough times. Marriage is what you make of it, how much you put into it. It's about giving all of yourself, making yourself vulnerable at times, it teaches you how to put someone else's needs and wants above your own at times. It's about unconditional love. Excepting your spouse for who they are, and that means all the bad things as well as the good. Divorce makes it so easy for people to just quit. That's the easy way out. Nothing worth while is easy or easily obtained. Marriage takes teamwork. The problem no a days is no one really thinks about those vows you say to each other anymore.
I think marriage is different for everyone.
Myself, I have only been married for a little over 1 year, but we had been together for 10 years previously. The thing is, marriage is NOT easy, and its not always a fairy tale. My hubby %26amp; I fight sometimes, but even when we went through some rough patches we dealt with it, talked it over, and got through it. I cannot imagine life without him, just like I couldn't imagine life without my 7 yr old.
I know people that have great marriages, and I know people who have crap marriages. Its all about what you put into it, not what you take out of it.
I also think too many people who are married give up too easily when they start to ';drift'; from their partner.
On the flip side, I have seen several friends get married for all the wrong reasons, and therefore are not happy.
Marriage isn't for everyone, but for me its for life.
Some people are actually happily married. Some people chose wisely and so are enjoying their years together instead of being bitter because they were foolish in their youth. But that's just some people. You can't generalize marriage. Nobody's marriage is the same as anyone else's.
Some people just like to complain. So you might only be hearing what annoys them about marriage without ever hearing the things they love about being married.
I wonder the same exact thing myself.... especially those who have married 2, 3, 5 times.... I mean, they're just retards, sorry to be harsh but it's true. As the 1st poster said, I don't need to be married to live with the person I love, AND to be happy AND to be committed. Unfortunately society imposes a certain POV on most people and they marry because ';that's what things should be like'; and what the ';right thing to do'; is. I've read here a lot of people saying that, if a man doesn't want to marry a woman, it means he doesn't love her enough to make a long-life committment, to take the risk of tying the knot and building a family, and thus is not willing to take her seriously and will surely dump her after the 1st difficulty they have. This is ridiculous. Men get married and they still cheat and stray all the time.... so much for a committment!! Like the damn paper is going to make him keep it in his pants. NOT.
It's very true that marriage is a lot of work, but so is ANY relationship if you really want it to work. Unfortunately some people see marriage as something that will give them ';safety'; and companionship, because they don't feel financially secure by themselves or because they hate being alone. These are already BAD reasons to get married... but people do it anyway because they feel this is ';less bad'; than being alone or having less $$$. I feel sorry for that people... they engage in unhappy marriages that after a few years they're crazy to get out from. Or maybe not.... and they just accept to live miserable lives. Pathetic. I'd rather be happy with the man I love and live with, for as long as it lasts, than being miserable in a marriage just because that's what I'm expected to do and then have a nasty divorce. No thanks, I'm happy the way I am!
Because not all married couples are miserable. My parents have had their ups and downs, but they have enough love and loyalty to work through the downs and enjoy the ups. They've been married over 30 years. I think that people aren't realistic about marriage, and rush into things without being aware of what they are getting into. Those same people are the ones that aren't willing to put in an effort to make things work when they get tough.
Marriage is not negative, people are.
The first two years are the hardest. I've been married for 7 months, and it's rough. We lived together before hand, and everything was perfect. We had the best relationship. Once you get married and realize OMG, I have to live with this person for the rest of my life, so start noticing little things. Like how he leaves the cabinet doors open, or how he leaves the toilet seat up. Things like that drive people crazy, start little fights, and it escalades. You just have to remember to talk about things, if you get mad [which will happen], walk away, calm down, and come back when you can talk reasonably. You also have to remember that he needs his time and you need yours. So plan a day every so often where you go off with your girls and he goes off with his guys.
People change over time, their needs and desires change and seems couples do not go through their personality changes at the same time. Marriage is a Beautiful union of love between two people but they have to have understanding and strength to keep it going. So marry for the wrong reasons but it impossible that you will get along with a person that you share so much with each and every day. Keeping the flame going to prevent the marriage from sucking after x years.
When people get married, I highly doubt that while they are saying their * I do's* that they are actually planning the * I don't*
Some people are really in love when they get married, but people and circumstances change. Some people start to abuse drugs and or alcohol. Some begin to abuse, emotionally, verbally, mentally and or sexually. There are many factors. I admire the ones that still love each other and stay until death do they part.
I just couldn't do it.
Well first of all, despite all the ups and downs of any relationship, not just marriage, I love being married to my husband. We have made a commitment to each other. We will be there for each other until the end. End of what? Our relationship or our lives, whichever comes first. True, we did live together before we got married and many people ask why we got married instead of just staying living together. Because although we were there for each other every day while living together, there was something missing in our relationship. He actually started calling me his wife before he ever proposed to me. He saw how that made my eyes light up and he wanted that for me. He wanted to give me his last name. He wanted me to know, without any doubt in my mind whatsoever that he was mine until ';the end.'; That's why I got married. I don't know why anyone else does it, but that's why I did it. And I don't regret it for a second. I love him dearly.
There are a few married couples who are happy in their relationship, for example my boyfriend's parents. Boyfriend is 25 and his brothers are in late 30's..their parents are STILL together to this day and no plans to go separate ways at all.
About a year after marriage people stop working on it, I know I'll never marry..I'm too complicated LOL I don't have to marry to live with a guy.
Indoctrination, think of it as a war, men who face a battle, know, many will be killed or injured, but always hope, it won't be them.
Most likely, men and women, who marry, with the odds about fifty fifty, feel they will be in the fifty percent who survive marriage.
Because some still love eachother the same after that x amount of years. I strive to have the marriage my parents have. They have been married for almost 19 years and still love eachother like the day they met.
only if I was married to you, would I think marriage sucks.... in fact, just seeing your ugly mug on YA makes me think life in general sucks.
Please... put a bag over that thing so the rest of us don't get nauseous.
Marriage does not have negative connotations,,,it is the people IN the marriage that have negative connotations
They hope that they are not the 1 out of every two that get divorced. They love the other person and believe that they will beat the odds.
Now this sounds like the real georgio... I'm starting to believe that georgio from yesterday was an impostor... there have been so many lately... what a shame when people are so bord that they have to impersonate others on this site!
Mine started to suck from the beginning but there is that other greater force I cannot say no to.
Either for money or they think that their love is so deep that it can withstand all troubles. I somewhat feel that way and I'm getting married next summer.
She is jealous as hell, but everything else is great.
Financial well being perhaps?
Hey greaseball, there is only room for ONE loser at a time on these boards, and I was here FIRST!
Marriage is what you make it. Its right and its moral!
Because we are all suckers!!!
cuz they dont think it will happen to them
cuz we r stupid!!..
Whats the best way to seduce a married woman?
How do I show interest in a married woman that says I want her but without be to obvious?Whats the best way to seduce a married woman?
Have a long talk with her husband. Find out how he got her the first time and what he'd stopped doing since then. You'd leave equipped with everything you deserve.Whats the best way to seduce a married woman?
You need to leave the married women alone and find someone that does not already have a husband. You know this is wrong. It will just bring you bad luck and bad karma if you do this. You will be destroying a marriage if you do this. You cannot build happiness on the misery of others. Go get someone that is free to be with you.
you are such a pig!!! life will come back and get you you will be hit hard with karma for even thinking that!! a married women is MARRIED!!! obviously you have no idea of life and the prospects of love! when and if you ever grow up, you will learn what love is and if not you will die a very lonely poor piece of crap! you have just spit on life and the Lord!! if you tried that with my wife I would put you out so fast you would not know what hit you! and I would do it in such a way you will remember it for the rest of your pathetic life!!!
Well the idea is to seize the opportunity when she is figthing with her husband (even create some gossips about cheating behavior of him... so lure until the opportunity shows up. and pretend that you are a nice and a comprehensive guy; she is so vulnerable in that situation
in 9 years somebody will do the same with your wife...
ying yang
seducing her is not right but you can let her know that you like her.. ie
just say it! if you werent married id be chasing you young lady.. 24/7! or..
I sooo wish id met you 8 years ago and maybe 'i' woulda been the lucky man.
just be creative and suggestive without being too much
you just do what husbands don't do give compliments,attention,and listen because married woman am I right? most of our husbands do none of the above.
Be a good friend to her first. Find out everything her husband is doing wrong. Then do the opposite and show her what a good man you can be.
Um, why you talk to her husband of course! It's truly the only way to really get to her without being too obvious.
Stay away from another man's wife. You wouldn't steal your neighbors car- you wouldn't steal his wife either.
Get her drunk, that usually does the trick.
you don't she's married jerk. what if the shoe was on the other foot. get a single girl.
the best way is you don't find someone who is interested in you and single.
put nine inches on the Table
Be honest
Flowers..candy..make sure you send a note..or how bout this why don't you offer to do her yard work..and bring over the box set of Desperate Housewives..
Um, you don't.
She's taken.
YOU PIG! listen to sarita! you are a f*ckin' *sshole! go get a life you SCUM BAG!
Don't be a jerk!
Scumbag thought...Don't go there
Have a talk with her husband first
your kidding right.why would you want a married woman..can't get a single onewet eyeshadow
Have a long talk with her husband. Find out how he got her the first time and what he'd stopped doing since then. You'd leave equipped with everything you deserve.Whats the best way to seduce a married woman?
You need to leave the married women alone and find someone that does not already have a husband. You know this is wrong. It will just bring you bad luck and bad karma if you do this. You will be destroying a marriage if you do this. You cannot build happiness on the misery of others. Go get someone that is free to be with you.
you are such a pig!!! life will come back and get you you will be hit hard with karma for even thinking that!! a married women is MARRIED!!! obviously you have no idea of life and the prospects of love! when and if you ever grow up, you will learn what love is and if not you will die a very lonely poor piece of crap! you have just spit on life and the Lord!! if you tried that with my wife I would put you out so fast you would not know what hit you! and I would do it in such a way you will remember it for the rest of your pathetic life!!!
Well the idea is to seize the opportunity when she is figthing with her husband (even create some gossips about cheating behavior of him... so lure until the opportunity shows up. and pretend that you are a nice and a comprehensive guy; she is so vulnerable in that situation
in 9 years somebody will do the same with your wife...
ying yang
seducing her is not right but you can let her know that you like her.. ie
just say it! if you werent married id be chasing you young lady.. 24/7! or..
I sooo wish id met you 8 years ago and maybe 'i' woulda been the lucky man.
just be creative and suggestive without being too much
you just do what husbands don't do give compliments,attention,and listen because married woman am I right? most of our husbands do none of the above.
Be a good friend to her first. Find out everything her husband is doing wrong. Then do the opposite and show her what a good man you can be.
Um, why you talk to her husband of course! It's truly the only way to really get to her without being too obvious.
Stay away from another man's wife. You wouldn't steal your neighbors car- you wouldn't steal his wife either.
Get her drunk, that usually does the trick.
you don't she's married jerk. what if the shoe was on the other foot. get a single girl.
the best way is you don't find someone who is interested in you and single.
put nine inches on the Table
Be honest
Flowers..candy..make sure you send a note..or how bout this why don't you offer to do her yard work..and bring over the box set of Desperate Housewives..
Um, you don't.
She's taken.
YOU PIG! listen to sarita! you are a f*ckin' *sshole! go get a life you SCUM BAG!
Don't be a jerk!
Scumbag thought...Don't go there
Have a talk with her husband first
your kidding right.why would you want a married woman..can't get a single one
How do you feel about not being married but having children?
I do not think marriage guarantees that you will stay together or have a happy life together so do not feel that children should have to wait till after marriage. I think as long as the couple loves one another and wants to build a life together then that is what matters when considering having babies. I am by no means downing on people getting married i am married but i just see so many people judge unmarried couples for having children and feel it is wrong. What do you think?How do you feel about not being married but having children?
I have a child and am not married to her father. I think of it this way....having child, raising a child, and everything that comes along with it is SO challenging to any couple. If we can survive this, we will no doubt survive marriage when the time comes. Just doing things a little backwards.How do you feel about not being married but having children?
I don't think it matters. You're right, marriage does not guarantee stability or even staying together (divorce rate around 50% or higher). If people choose to have a child before getting married that's up to them, yes sometimes the decision will be a bad one but same with married couples. If it's an accident, I definitely don't support shotgun weddings, that's stupid.
I guess in some places in the US there are some legal benefits for a married couple compared to a de facto couple, so in that case it makes more sense. That doesn't apply here in Australia, it's the same.
As long as you're in love, what does it matter? Now, if the father is too much of a coward to claim the child that's his problem, but if he's truly in love with the mother, then he'll love the child. Unmarried couples do have more problems than married couples in some cases, however. There are other means of spending your lives together than by getting married. Anyway, in some U.S. states, if you live together for a certain period of time, you're considered legally married. Plus, even if you aren't married to the other parent, no one has to know it. If you were talking about unmarried teens having children, I would frown upon that, as would most others (no offense to any teen parents, but it's the truth :)
Hope I helped!
I completely agree with you. I'm married, however we had our son before we got married and I wouldn't change it for a second. We got married because we felt it was something we wanted to do, never for the sake of having children. I think that nobody has to live inside the box these days, traditional isn't necessarily for everyone. If people are in a loving, committed relationship than by all means they should have children with or without marriage if they want that.
Marriage doesn't guarantee anything...but neither does a college degree, a job or even a bank account. Everyone of those things can be lost. But would you WANT to go through life without these?
If you really care about your future child, why would you NOT want to give it the best odds in life and give it a mother AND a father who are committed to it and each other?
UPDATE: ask for an opinion, then 'thumbs down' it if it's different from your own.
I feel that if you plan a pregnancy and decide to start a family, that in itself is a huge commitment.
If you cannot commit to marriage, how can you commit to a role that you will play ( that of a parent ) for the rest of your life?
Give your kids a head start, and let them come from a 2 parent home. It will be easier for everyone involved.
I also don't judge since many do give out loving and caring homes. You are right being married doesn't guarantee that you will live ne happily married for eternity. My SIL and my brother have been together for 10 years they are not married and I don't think that they plan to. My mom was married 2 and it ended in divorce. married or not it depend on the 2 people love for one another and how they will care for their kids
I have 3 children and i've never been married, and honestly i'm not with their fathers either...nor am i some slut...or some irresponsible person. I'm happy that i didn't get married to their fathers because it would have ended in a divorce.
I am very happily in a relationship now with a man that i've known since i was 10 years old. He accepts my children as if they were his own.
I don't think that marriage guarantee's anything honestly, unless two people really know each other and are willing to be committed to something that will last a life time. In my own eyes, right now, the only thing missing is a piece of paper from saying i'm married to the one i love....
Well, as a guy, I can't say I know how it is to have children but not be married. I don't have kids and won't put forth the desire to get them. Oh, I'll put it forth! I'll put forth the effort, but ah...I'm keeping that valve shunted, if you know what I';m saying!
But if you're a mother, don't worry! It just tells us guys you have experience in that area! Don't be ashamed, it's a good thing!
I'm fine with not being married and having a child and whatever anyone else does is their business:)
I would like to marry my partner, but I won't do it until it is legal for same-sex couples to marry if they wish. Just my way of supporting marriage for all who want it:)
I have a child and I'm not married. I don't see the need for marriage right now. My boyfriend and I are still going to love each other. A piece of paper and a ring on our fingers isn't going to change how much.
If you're going to commit to a child, you should commit to each other first. My opinion. However, accidentally getting pregnant is not a reason to get married either.
I only got married in January this year, AFTER having two children (5 and 16 months).
A piece of paper and a ring on your finger doesn't guarantee staying together.
As long as the couple loves each other and are financially stable why not? If that's what they really want.
Depends.As long as two people love each other then.
I have a child and am not married to her father. I think of it this way....having child, raising a child, and everything that comes along with it is SO challenging to any couple. If we can survive this, we will no doubt survive marriage when the time comes. Just doing things a little backwards.How do you feel about not being married but having children?
I don't think it matters. You're right, marriage does not guarantee stability or even staying together (divorce rate around 50% or higher). If people choose to have a child before getting married that's up to them, yes sometimes the decision will be a bad one but same with married couples. If it's an accident, I definitely don't support shotgun weddings, that's stupid.
I guess in some places in the US there are some legal benefits for a married couple compared to a de facto couple, so in that case it makes more sense. That doesn't apply here in Australia, it's the same.
As long as you're in love, what does it matter? Now, if the father is too much of a coward to claim the child that's his problem, but if he's truly in love with the mother, then he'll love the child. Unmarried couples do have more problems than married couples in some cases, however. There are other means of spending your lives together than by getting married. Anyway, in some U.S. states, if you live together for a certain period of time, you're considered legally married. Plus, even if you aren't married to the other parent, no one has to know it. If you were talking about unmarried teens having children, I would frown upon that, as would most others (no offense to any teen parents, but it's the truth :)
Hope I helped!
I completely agree with you. I'm married, however we had our son before we got married and I wouldn't change it for a second. We got married because we felt it was something we wanted to do, never for the sake of having children. I think that nobody has to live inside the box these days, traditional isn't necessarily for everyone. If people are in a loving, committed relationship than by all means they should have children with or without marriage if they want that.
Marriage doesn't guarantee anything...but neither does a college degree, a job or even a bank account. Everyone of those things can be lost. But would you WANT to go through life without these?
If you really care about your future child, why would you NOT want to give it the best odds in life and give it a mother AND a father who are committed to it and each other?
UPDATE: ask for an opinion, then 'thumbs down' it if it's different from your own.
I feel that if you plan a pregnancy and decide to start a family, that in itself is a huge commitment.
If you cannot commit to marriage, how can you commit to a role that you will play ( that of a parent ) for the rest of your life?
Give your kids a head start, and let them come from a 2 parent home. It will be easier for everyone involved.
I also don't judge since many do give out loving and caring homes. You are right being married doesn't guarantee that you will live ne happily married for eternity. My SIL and my brother have been together for 10 years they are not married and I don't think that they plan to. My mom was married 2 and it ended in divorce. married or not it depend on the 2 people love for one another and how they will care for their kids
I have 3 children and i've never been married, and honestly i'm not with their fathers either...nor am i some slut...or some irresponsible person. I'm happy that i didn't get married to their fathers because it would have ended in a divorce.
I am very happily in a relationship now with a man that i've known since i was 10 years old. He accepts my children as if they were his own.
I don't think that marriage guarantee's anything honestly, unless two people really know each other and are willing to be committed to something that will last a life time. In my own eyes, right now, the only thing missing is a piece of paper from saying i'm married to the one i love....
Well, as a guy, I can't say I know how it is to have children but not be married. I don't have kids and won't put forth the desire to get them. Oh, I'll put it forth! I'll put forth the effort, but ah...I'm keeping that valve shunted, if you know what I';m saying!
But if you're a mother, don't worry! It just tells us guys you have experience in that area! Don't be ashamed, it's a good thing!
I'm fine with not being married and having a child and whatever anyone else does is their business:)
I would like to marry my partner, but I won't do it until it is legal for same-sex couples to marry if they wish. Just my way of supporting marriage for all who want it:)
I have a child and I'm not married. I don't see the need for marriage right now. My boyfriend and I are still going to love each other. A piece of paper and a ring on our fingers isn't going to change how much.
If you're going to commit to a child, you should commit to each other first. My opinion. However, accidentally getting pregnant is not a reason to get married either.
I only got married in January this year, AFTER having two children (5 and 16 months).
A piece of paper and a ring on your finger doesn't guarantee staying together.
As long as the couple loves each other and are financially stable why not? If that's what they really want.
Depends.As long as two people love each other then.
Is the tax rebate the same for married couples without children?
Under the compromise bill passed by the Congress, you would be eligible to receive a rebate of up to $1200 if you paid that much in Federal Income Tax. If you only paid $750 in taxes (less than the $1200 rebate limit), you only get back $750. If you had earned income of at least $3000, you would get at least the minimum rebate of $300.
While the rebate depends on your 2007 income, it is actually a rebate toward your 2008 taxes. According to the proposed plan, in 2008, taxes would be cut from 10 percent to zero percent on the first $6,000 dollars of taxable income for individual taxpayers.
It's like a one time tax cut for 2008, but you get the rebate now instead of waiting to file your 2008 taxes. Because this is an advance payment on your 2008 taxes, your refund next year could be more (or less!) depending on your 2008 income.Is the tax rebate the same for married couples without children?
you get paid differently based on if you are single, married, and you get paid like $300 per kidIs the tax rebate the same for married couples without children?
The tax rebate propsal hasn't passed yet - so all answers are speculation.
From info provided so far, there would be an extra amount per child for couples with kids.
Yes, $1200 for a couple.
While the rebate depends on your 2007 income, it is actually a rebate toward your 2008 taxes. According to the proposed plan, in 2008, taxes would be cut from 10 percent to zero percent on the first $6,000 dollars of taxable income for individual taxpayers.
It's like a one time tax cut for 2008, but you get the rebate now instead of waiting to file your 2008 taxes. Because this is an advance payment on your 2008 taxes, your refund next year could be more (or less!) depending on your 2008 income.Is the tax rebate the same for married couples without children?
you get paid differently based on if you are single, married, and you get paid like $300 per kidIs the tax rebate the same for married couples without children?
The tax rebate propsal hasn't passed yet - so all answers are speculation.
From info provided so far, there would be an extra amount per child for couples with kids.
Yes, $1200 for a couple.
How many people would continue to get married and have children, if they had no sex drive?
They were still physically able to have children, but derived no pleasure from sex. How many people would still choose that lifestyle - to marry and have children?
What about you?
What lifestyles would people choose instead?How many people would continue to get married and have children, if they had no sex drive?
please search on
hope! have a nice day and nice dreamHow many people would continue to get married and have children, if they had no sex drive?
It depends on the couple. Perhaps they are intellectually in tune. One may ask why is there no sex drive? perhaps the other half is not alluring or enticing enough....Perhaps the lack of sex drive is caused by illness or over-tiredness, over work...
Sex isn't everything, I know couples who don't have regular sex but have children - they may just have sex to procreate.
But as life changes, bodily changes occur also, therefore whoever has a low / nil / high sex-drive now may be quite the opposite at a later stage in life.
Personally, I lost my sex drive after having children. I couldn't imagine going without the urges to have sex. I have to agree with another reply, how could one possibly go about having children if there is no sex drive. You have to have the urges and desires to have sex before a child is conceived. If I had no sex drive or children at this point in time, then I'd be seriously talking with my doctor on alternatives to help me be able to be sexual with my partner. Having no sex drive isn't a permanent thing, it can be remedied..I overcame 2 years of not wanting sex and I enjoy it very much now and don't want to stop having it.
Your sex drive is your desire to have sex....has nothing to do with not being able to experience pleasure. But lets say hypothetically there was no pleasure involved...I would still have a child. I'm not too sure if I want to get married, that's still up in the air right now. I'm not sure if I understood what you were asking but I tried.
Good thing I do have a sex drive because the thought of not having one is kind of disturbing.
i use to want a several kids. then when i had one and found out how much energy it took to take care of them..i thought 2 would be good.. and that is what i have.. and some times i wonder if even then i should have gotten a puppy instead.i got married 2 times.. and now my bf would always said he would never marry..wants to..but i .well don't know.. last year i would have beat him to the alter..but now.. i on the page he as last year..but i have plently of sex drive.more than he does..and i do not have to worry about the kids..but lots do that..
haha i think tghe surest way to kill a sex drive is to have children anyway!!!
but to answer the question no - i wouldn't even consider having a child if i didn't enjoy sex. i dunno how the rest of the animal do it - ther's no little voice inside me or instinct that tells me i must procreate even though i don't like it just to safeguard my species!!!
Depends . . . sex isn't everything in a relationship but it does help to enjoy it sometimes.
I suppose it depends how in love with the person you were to sacrafice that part !!
If you don't have the motivation (sex drive), then you won't have a goal (pleasure from sex). I choose to get married, since the sex drive would come off naturally by time.
Having children is not all that much related to the sex drive many times...there are many good contraceptives out there!Also,think of all the people who adopt childen...
I wouldn't. Sex is a big part of a strong marriage. Might not be a problem at first, but after time, it'll cause tension. People have needs.
No sex drive = no children. You don't have sex if you don't have a sex drive.
Unfortunately too many!
it'd be a compulsory ritual in all religions or something like
I would get married might as well your sex drive is gone any way
hell i choose not to get married because i have a sex drive, children? arent they similar to house pests?
What about you?
What lifestyles would people choose instead?How many people would continue to get married and have children, if they had no sex drive?
please search on
hope! have a nice day and nice dreamHow many people would continue to get married and have children, if they had no sex drive?
It depends on the couple. Perhaps they are intellectually in tune. One may ask why is there no sex drive? perhaps the other half is not alluring or enticing enough....Perhaps the lack of sex drive is caused by illness or over-tiredness, over work...
Sex isn't everything, I know couples who don't have regular sex but have children - they may just have sex to procreate.
But as life changes, bodily changes occur also, therefore whoever has a low / nil / high sex-drive now may be quite the opposite at a later stage in life.
Personally, I lost my sex drive after having children. I couldn't imagine going without the urges to have sex. I have to agree with another reply, how could one possibly go about having children if there is no sex drive. You have to have the urges and desires to have sex before a child is conceived. If I had no sex drive or children at this point in time, then I'd be seriously talking with my doctor on alternatives to help me be able to be sexual with my partner. Having no sex drive isn't a permanent thing, it can be remedied..I overcame 2 years of not wanting sex and I enjoy it very much now and don't want to stop having it.
Your sex drive is your desire to have sex....has nothing to do with not being able to experience pleasure. But lets say hypothetically there was no pleasure involved...I would still have a child. I'm not too sure if I want to get married, that's still up in the air right now. I'm not sure if I understood what you were asking but I tried.
Good thing I do have a sex drive because the thought of not having one is kind of disturbing.
i use to want a several kids. then when i had one and found out how much energy it took to take care of them..i thought 2 would be good.. and that is what i have.. and some times i wonder if even then i should have gotten a puppy instead.i got married 2 times.. and now my bf would always said he would never marry..wants to..but i .well don't know.. last year i would have beat him to the alter..but now.. i on the page he as last year..but i have plently of sex drive.more than he does..and i do not have to worry about the kids..but lots do that..
haha i think tghe surest way to kill a sex drive is to have children anyway!!!
but to answer the question no - i wouldn't even consider having a child if i didn't enjoy sex. i dunno how the rest of the animal do it - ther's no little voice inside me or instinct that tells me i must procreate even though i don't like it just to safeguard my species!!!
Depends . . . sex isn't everything in a relationship but it does help to enjoy it sometimes.
I suppose it depends how in love with the person you were to sacrafice that part !!
If you don't have the motivation (sex drive), then you won't have a goal (pleasure from sex). I choose to get married, since the sex drive would come off naturally by time.
Having children is not all that much related to the sex drive many times...there are many good contraceptives out there!Also,think of all the people who adopt childen...
I wouldn't. Sex is a big part of a strong marriage. Might not be a problem at first, but after time, it'll cause tension. People have needs.
No sex drive = no children. You don't have sex if you don't have a sex drive.
Unfortunately too many!
it'd be a compulsory ritual in all religions or something like
I would get married might as well your sex drive is gone any way
hell i choose not to get married because i have a sex drive, children? arent they similar to house pests?
How long did you know your significant other before you got engaged then married?
Hi! I knew my husband for 1 week, yes 7 whole days before he proposed to me. That was back in 06. We were engaged for a lil over a year then got married a lil over a year ago. So we've only been together for about 27 months all together.
Interesting question?? Star Me!! Thanks!How long did you know your significant other before you got engaged then married?
We knew one another 6 weeks before I proposed in April. We were married the following December.....25 years ago.How long did you know your significant other before you got engaged then married?
My fiance and I knew each other when we were in college. He tried to ask me out in my sophomore year when we got to know each other, but that didn't work. After he graduated (he's a year older) and went off to the East Coast (we're midwestern) to go to grad school, he tried to ask me out again when I was a senior in college. I still wasn't interested.
Then I graduated from college and started grad school a couple hours away from him. We started hanging out more, one thing led to another and we started dating. Eventually, I proposed and now we're engaged!
To sum up the dates:
Became friends/he asked me out a couple times: September of 2003
Started dating: January of 2007
Got engaged: March of 2008
Getting married: August of 2009
My fiance and I grew up together in church (literally, we were in the nursery together!) and we started dating when we were 14. Everyone told us we were too young, wasting our time, and wouldn't make it. We are now both 19, about to turn 20, and will be getting married in a year. We have been dating for 5 years so far, and are doing great! We were not the typical high school relationship. I began college classes when I was in my senior year in high school so we could get married when I finished college. Our plan did not quite work out, because we will be getting married one semester before I am out of college, but close enough!
We grew up in the same neighborhood :) Dated briefly 10 years ago, again 8 years ago, then start dating again seriously May 2007. Got engaged Sept. 2007. Getting married December 2008 (8 days from now!) Fate kept bringing us together and this time around, the time was right and we were ready. If we hadn't had those years apart, we wouldn't be where we are today, but I'm glad I've known him this long. I am 100% certain this is meant to be.
My hubby and I were friends before we started dating. We knew each other for 5 years as friends, then dated for about 9 months before he proposed. Then after being engaged 4 months we were married! So it was about 6 years and 2 months of knowing each other before we got married. great question. much more interesting than many I've seen on here.
My fiance and I have known each other for 5 years. We tried dating 5 years ago, but I guess we werent ready for marriage. He asked if we can try dating again, and I said yes. We officially started dating in April and then engaged in September of this year!
Met: Sept. 1, 1990 (grade 1)
Started dating: Feb. 15, 2002 (grade 12)
Engaged: Sept. 17, 2005
Married: Sept. 20, 2008
Engaged for 3 years
Together for 6.5 years before getting married
I worked with my wife for 3 years before we started dating. We would flirt, but nothing serious for those three years, as we were both with other people. We dated for a year before we got married, and were engaged for about 6 months.
My husband and I started dating in January of '06, got engaged in July of '07, and were married three months ago in September. So this January will be three years that we've been together. :-)
Started dating Sept. '04
Engaged July '08
Getting married August '09
So we had been dating almost 4 years when he proposed and it will be almost 5 when we get married.
i new my wife for 7years before we got married, we are now on our 8th year being married, so we have know one another for 185 months, we meet in june of 1993, and we got married in june of 2000
We met in March 06, moved in together August 06, got engaged December 07 and will be married April 09.
Started dating in April 94
Got engaged Dec 95
Got married May 97
We have been married for over 11 years.
My husband an I were together a year before he proposed. We got married 7 months later, and have been happily married for 10 years.
We met in October '07. Started dating in December. Engaged the end of June and getting married in less than 2 weeks.
We dated for 4 1/2 months before he proposed. Then we'll be engaged for 8 months until we get married in April :)
Friends for 10 years, dated for 18 months, engaged for 18 months when we get married 8/1/09.
No wedding date yet.
Interesting question?? Star Me!! Thanks!How long did you know your significant other before you got engaged then married?
We knew one another 6 weeks before I proposed in April. We were married the following December.....25 years ago.How long did you know your significant other before you got engaged then married?
My fiance and I knew each other when we were in college. He tried to ask me out in my sophomore year when we got to know each other, but that didn't work. After he graduated (he's a year older) and went off to the East Coast (we're midwestern) to go to grad school, he tried to ask me out again when I was a senior in college. I still wasn't interested.
Then I graduated from college and started grad school a couple hours away from him. We started hanging out more, one thing led to another and we started dating. Eventually, I proposed and now we're engaged!
To sum up the dates:
Became friends/he asked me out a couple times: September of 2003
Started dating: January of 2007
Got engaged: March of 2008
Getting married: August of 2009
My fiance and I grew up together in church (literally, we were in the nursery together!) and we started dating when we were 14. Everyone told us we were too young, wasting our time, and wouldn't make it. We are now both 19, about to turn 20, and will be getting married in a year. We have been dating for 5 years so far, and are doing great! We were not the typical high school relationship. I began college classes when I was in my senior year in high school so we could get married when I finished college. Our plan did not quite work out, because we will be getting married one semester before I am out of college, but close enough!
We grew up in the same neighborhood :) Dated briefly 10 years ago, again 8 years ago, then start dating again seriously May 2007. Got engaged Sept. 2007. Getting married December 2008 (8 days from now!) Fate kept bringing us together and this time around, the time was right and we were ready. If we hadn't had those years apart, we wouldn't be where we are today, but I'm glad I've known him this long. I am 100% certain this is meant to be.
My hubby and I were friends before we started dating. We knew each other for 5 years as friends, then dated for about 9 months before he proposed. Then after being engaged 4 months we were married! So it was about 6 years and 2 months of knowing each other before we got married. great question. much more interesting than many I've seen on here.
My fiance and I have known each other for 5 years. We tried dating 5 years ago, but I guess we werent ready for marriage. He asked if we can try dating again, and I said yes. We officially started dating in April and then engaged in September of this year!
Met: Sept. 1, 1990 (grade 1)
Started dating: Feb. 15, 2002 (grade 12)
Engaged: Sept. 17, 2005
Married: Sept. 20, 2008
Engaged for 3 years
Together for 6.5 years before getting married
I worked with my wife for 3 years before we started dating. We would flirt, but nothing serious for those three years, as we were both with other people. We dated for a year before we got married, and were engaged for about 6 months.
My husband and I started dating in January of '06, got engaged in July of '07, and were married three months ago in September. So this January will be three years that we've been together. :-)
Started dating Sept. '04
Engaged July '08
Getting married August '09
So we had been dating almost 4 years when he proposed and it will be almost 5 when we get married.
i new my wife for 7years before we got married, we are now on our 8th year being married, so we have know one another for 185 months, we meet in june of 1993, and we got married in june of 2000
We met in March 06, moved in together August 06, got engaged December 07 and will be married April 09.
Started dating in April 94
Got engaged Dec 95
Got married May 97
We have been married for over 11 years.
My husband an I were together a year before he proposed. We got married 7 months later, and have been happily married for 10 years.
We met in October '07. Started dating in December. Engaged the end of June and getting married in less than 2 weeks.
We dated for 4 1/2 months before he proposed. Then we'll be engaged for 8 months until we get married in April :)
Friends for 10 years, dated for 18 months, engaged for 18 months when we get married 8/1/09.
No wedding date yet.
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