Thursday, January 21, 2010

How old were most couples when they married in the mid 1800's?

What was considered too young for marriage? How old were most couples when they married?How old were most couples when they married in the mid 1800's?
You find variance from area to area, but one thing to keep in mind at that time the life expectancy for a woman was less that than a man. Women tended to have high risk for death in child birth. Especially the first birth! So men tended to remarry as widowers a lot. In doing genealogy I sometimes find a man married more than one woman with the same first name, due to the culmination of naming and migration patterns.

So I would say marriage age varied, but the first marriage tended to be with someone of approximate age at a relatively young age between 20-25.How old were most couples when they married in the mid 1800's?
Many of them were between 16 and 18. You have to realize, people weren't living as long and the duties of man and wife were different and for different reasons. Women would die during child birth and leave widowed men to care for his children on his own for which he would then marry someone who could take care of his kids. The reasons are many
Page 63 of this book includes an extensive discussion of the average age of men and women during this time period.

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