Thursday, January 21, 2010

Married muslimbrother what do you wanna say to your single muslimbrother?

What do you wanna share with him? What for advice do you have for him?Married muslimbrother what do you wanna say to your single muslimbrother?
Marriage is a covering for you, you are a covering for your wife and she is a covering for you. you will protect each other and find it, inshallah, easier to protect yourself from harm and haraam, you will be able to lower your gaze much more easily.

Be good and generous and kind to your wife, because the prophet (saw) said ';The best amongst you are those who are good to your women, and I am the best with my women.'; So be good and genourous with her. Encourage one another in good and taqwa, so that you may both work to please Allah, for the sake of Allah (swt).

Be firm and let her know the rules through the Quran and the sunnah, teach her what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. Enjoy the company of one another and speak good words with one another. Praise her and speak to her with good words, tell her how good her cooking is (even if sometimes its not), keep away from harsh words against her. If she happens to cook something badly then don't say anything harsh against her or the food she has cooked, but just don't eat what she has prepared.

When you are getting married there are some sunnah that I would like to advise you with.

1. Put your right hand on her head and do a dua:

Allahuma inee asaluka min khayriha wa khayri ma feeha wa khayri ma jabaltaha alai wa au'dhu bika min shariha wa shari ma feeha wa shari ma jablatahaa alai

O Allah I ask you of her goodness, the good within her and the goodness upon which she was created. I seek your protection from her evil, the evil within her and the evil upon which she was created.

2. Give her some milk to drink and then drink from the cup from which she has drank, drink some of the milk.

3. Before you sleep on that night, read 2 rakas you lead her in prayer that night.

Have Taqwa of Allah and be kind and generous to your wife.Married muslimbrother what do you wanna say to your single muslimbrother?
Look before you jump!!

Seriously, I will say something about expectations and aims/objectives of married life.

It is vitally important that the spouse is going to be a good mother (more impotant than being a good wife!!).

As for being your life partner there has to compatibility at various levels: physiological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
Keep praying, keep anticipating and keep dating. Do not always think of going to a house that was built already, go to a land of which, two of you can build a house together. All the best and good luck.
@NOUB: great answer mash'Allah.

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