Saturday, January 23, 2010

How long did you know your significant other before you got engaged then married?

Hi! I knew my husband for 1 week, yes 7 whole days before he proposed to me. That was back in 06. We were engaged for a lil over a year then got married a lil over a year ago. So we've only been together for about 27 months all together.

Interesting question?? Star Me!! Thanks!How long did you know your significant other before you got engaged then married?
We knew one another 6 weeks before I proposed in April. We were married the following December.....25 years ago.How long did you know your significant other before you got engaged then married?
My fiance and I knew each other when we were in college. He tried to ask me out in my sophomore year when we got to know each other, but that didn't work. After he graduated (he's a year older) and went off to the East Coast (we're midwestern) to go to grad school, he tried to ask me out again when I was a senior in college. I still wasn't interested.

Then I graduated from college and started grad school a couple hours away from him. We started hanging out more, one thing led to another and we started dating. Eventually, I proposed and now we're engaged!

To sum up the dates:

Became friends/he asked me out a couple times: September of 2003

Started dating: January of 2007

Got engaged: March of 2008

Getting married: August of 2009
My fiance and I grew up together in church (literally, we were in the nursery together!) and we started dating when we were 14. Everyone told us we were too young, wasting our time, and wouldn't make it. We are now both 19, about to turn 20, and will be getting married in a year. We have been dating for 5 years so far, and are doing great! We were not the typical high school relationship. I began college classes when I was in my senior year in high school so we could get married when I finished college. Our plan did not quite work out, because we will be getting married one semester before I am out of college, but close enough!
We grew up in the same neighborhood :) Dated briefly 10 years ago, again 8 years ago, then start dating again seriously May 2007. Got engaged Sept. 2007. Getting married December 2008 (8 days from now!) Fate kept bringing us together and this time around, the time was right and we were ready. If we hadn't had those years apart, we wouldn't be where we are today, but I'm glad I've known him this long. I am 100% certain this is meant to be.
My hubby and I were friends before we started dating. We knew each other for 5 years as friends, then dated for about 9 months before he proposed. Then after being engaged 4 months we were married! So it was about 6 years and 2 months of knowing each other before we got married. great question. much more interesting than many I've seen on here.
My fiance and I have known each other for 5 years. We tried dating 5 years ago, but I guess we werent ready for marriage. He asked if we can try dating again, and I said yes. We officially started dating in April and then engaged in September of this year!
Met: Sept. 1, 1990 (grade 1)

Started dating: Feb. 15, 2002 (grade 12)

Engaged: Sept. 17, 2005

Married: Sept. 20, 2008

Engaged for 3 years

Together for 6.5 years before getting married
I worked with my wife for 3 years before we started dating. We would flirt, but nothing serious for those three years, as we were both with other people. We dated for a year before we got married, and were engaged for about 6 months.
My husband and I started dating in January of '06, got engaged in July of '07, and were married three months ago in September. So this January will be three years that we've been together. :-)
Started dating Sept. '04

Engaged July '08

Getting married August '09

So we had been dating almost 4 years when he proposed and it will be almost 5 when we get married.
i new my wife for 7years before we got married, we are now on our 8th year being married, so we have know one another for 185 months, we meet in june of 1993, and we got married in june of 2000
We met in March 06, moved in together August 06, got engaged December 07 and will be married April 09.
Started dating in April 94

Got engaged Dec 95

Got married May 97

We have been married for over 11 years.
My husband an I were together a year before he proposed. We got married 7 months later, and have been happily married for 10 years.
We met in October '07. Started dating in December. Engaged the end of June and getting married in less than 2 weeks.
We dated for 4 1/2 months before he proposed. Then we'll be engaged for 8 months until we get married in April :)
Friends for 10 years, dated for 18 months, engaged for 18 months when we get married 8/1/09.


No wedding date yet.

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