Monday, May 10, 2010

How long after the proposal should you get married?

He proposed 3 months ago and wants to set a day already.but how long should we wait?How long after the proposal should you get married?
As long as you want, no more than two to three years.How long after the proposal should you get married?
Now a days in this very sophisticated world it is very important to know each other before get married, and it is also very difficult to get the real one. I think it should take time minimum one year to know each other before marry.

In this time they should share some emotion and pass some with critic situation to know they can depends each other and keep their promises.

The most important thing to me is- in this time, try to get involve logically, and a few parts of emotionally but totally not sexually. Otherwise this knowing process will go into wrong and the result will be unexpected.
There is no rule, I know people who were married within 3 months, and others who waited over a year to set a date.

You are engaged, which means that you want to marry this guy. Some people pick a date right off, I know someone who has been engaged for a while and picked the season and year, but won't set the date until they know how schedules look.

Talk to each other about it. This is a great time to start planning out the rest of your life, and I am sure that you will come to a good decision.
wait until you can afford everything you want. big wedding, house, whatever. dont get married and start off with a ton of financial stress!!! i did that and it is not easy. i love being married and have an amazing husband but it would be a lot easier if we waited and had more financial security.
Me and my husband planned our wedding in 6 months.

Some people have long engagements - others have really short ones. It all depends on what fits into your schedule.

We had a short engagement because my older brother was going to be deployed and I wanted him to be a part of my wedding.

There really is no ';time line';
Talk to one another about that ! If your going to get married and you want to have a lasting relationship you better start talking/ listening to one another NOW !
Whenever you want - as soon as your budget allows. We saved money for our wedding so it came a year and a half after the proposal.
You wait until you're both ready
How have you not already set a date?
Its time

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