Friday, January 15, 2010

What legalitites would you be breaking if you had a child with a married women?

What legalitites/laws would you be breaking if you had a child with a married women? What if she had told you she was single and ensured you she was seperated? What benefits would she be trying to pursue by doing this. She is not pregnant but it seems like she is trying to? She ensured me she was seperated.What legalitites would you be breaking if you had a child with a married women?
ADULTERY !What legalitites would you be breaking if you had a child with a married women?
Depending upon what state you live in you would in fact be guilty of adultry. In WI under state statute it is illegal to have sex with someone that is married(not to you). I do not know about other states. You might think about the years of child support, the fact that you would probably be used as a reason for a divorce, maybe even used in a civil suit for breaking up a marriage.
no legal issues as long as everyone is an adult. Adultry in most states is not prosecutable. regarding any child you would be on the tab for 50% of any cost through that childs life till 18th birthday.
In NYS having a child with a married woman is adultery, and is a Class B misdemeanor. I don't know about other states. If she gets pregnant her husband is legally the father of the child unless you go to court to establish parental rights, and the court may or may not hear this argument. If you dont want to open a can of worms practice safe sex, man!
Depending on where you live, you might not be breaking any laws. If you live somewhere where adultery is a crime, you would both be guilty. In terms of civil law, you might be creating grounds for divorce for her husband. Some places have very old statutes on the books where her husband might sue you for alientation of affection (luring his wife away from him), but that is very rare in North America.

Not breaking a law, but if you father a child, with anyone, you are laying yourself open to court-ordered child support until the child reaches majority. It does not matter what she represents her marital status as--even if you claim you would not have had sex had you known she was married (a weak claim, since ';separated'; IS married) you would still be liable to support the child.
I would think that the biggest legality would be a moral one, called adultery. No, I'm not judging you. But that's why it's not a great idea to sleep around. You never know if they're telling the truth. Other than that, she might be looking for a way out of her marriage. Getting pregnant with someone else's child would make her husband make that decision for her. She also would have the right to get child support from you, even if she didn't leave her husband! Wouldn't that add insult to injury? I would tell her it's over and move on. At this point, if she's not married, you'll be getting away from a very sticky situation. Why would you want to be with someone who lies? You can't trust her. And, at this point, I don't think I'd believe her even if she showed me her divorce papers. They might be fake! I know of a similar situation like this and there was a child involved. She stayed with her husband and they got a restraining order against the father of her child. It wasn't until years later that the child looked up the dad and now they have a relationship...30 years later. Look at all the time they missed. It's just not worth it. Get out now, while you can. Next time you date, make sure she introduces you to her friends so you can find out some necessary details. Be safe. Be good. %26lt;*)))%26gt;%26lt;
you wouldnt be breaking any laws, but as soon as her husband finds out, the kid is not his, he will be gone and will use her having another mans kid, while married to him against you and her, in court. and she will get child support from you.or she could just live with her husband, and let on like the kid is his, like my daughter- in -law does.
Depending on the state laws, both could be convicted of adultery, but such laws are seldom enforced.

Further, in many jurisdictions, the child of a married woman is presumed to be the son of her husband.

In addition, you may get yourself shot by a jealous husband.

Overall, this seems like a sick arrangement and I suggest to get out of the mess, if possible. If you both really want a child, she should get a divorce first.
You may be breaking some ancient law in your area that happens to still be on the books, but it would probably not be in-forced. But any baby born to a married woman is commonly (by law) assumed to be her husbands, and he would be listed as the dad. You may have to fight for parental rights, if you want them. Of course, if she admits it is not his, she can still go after you for child support. If she is not pregnant, you should probably remove yourself from the situation. She could just want a baby. She could be looking to reconcile with her husband by telling him it is his. She may just want to be sure you won't go anywhere. It could be a sticky mess!
I think you need a pill that would make you hate her and get the **** out or Dodge. Remember this, she ain't no damn good.
she would be breaking the law not you.adultery
Not breaking any laws, but there are obviously major trust issues here that do not make a good foundation for a relationship. I would get out now. Is the ***** really so great that you would risk the child support and legal issues that a child would bring? Good Luck??
While many states may well still have adultery laws on there books they are no longer would be putting yourself and your child in a bad situation...You could find yourself oweing child support for a child that lives with anoter married couple...your visitation of this child could be a totaly uncomfortable situation to say the least....the child would have to come to terms with the fact that mommy was sleeping around while married to the man she is married to as soon as she was old enough to even understand such its an ugly situation that is best avoided by not sleeping with married women.
You would not be breaking any laws.
That you need to ask such a question kind of shows ';what were you thinking?'; You should have asked that before you played with fire... NOT AFTER!

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