Friday, January 15, 2010

Do you think you can get married in hell and have sex with demons?

Do you think you can wear designer clothes in hell?

Do you think you might believe that there was a God after all, after going to hell?

To you like the devil and want to date him and kiss him and go be with him in hell?Do you think you can get married in hell and have sex with demons?
You aren't going to get any of that. Hell is a place of anguish where you will burn forever and ever. Though there will be lots of people in Hell, you will find yourself alone. There will be no happiness or joy in Hell because you will realize that there is no way out. I think that the most accurate description of Hell is being locked up in a prison, all alone , in solitary confinement, for 24 hours a day, day and night, with no one to talk to, nothing to do except think about your existence, and realize what it is like to be dead while you are still alive.

Another reason I wouldn't want to be in Hell is because Satan will be there. He is nothing but a douchebag. He never gives a thought to anyone in the world except himself. Not to mention you will be there with witch doctors, serial killers, terrorists and suicide bombers, mass murderers, con artists, black market thieves, and other narcissists. Misery loves company.

I think that if you go to Hell, you will find out that it was nothing like you thought it would be. One thing is for sure, whether you are in Heaven or in Hell, you will still acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.Do you think you can get married in hell and have sex with demons?
No, in hell we will not get married nor will we have sex with demons because hell is a place of suffering. People will burn in fire more hotter than the fire in this world so how can they think of sex and getting married. They will not think of getting married or having sex rather they will say God take us out of here. We will be good person, we will believe in you.
In the Hell that I envision, EVERYONE wears designer clothes and watches reality shows all day. Soccer moms are constantly knocking on your door, and people who ask questions like this one have unlimited anytime minutes.

Edit: to bbnmhj....I can arrange that.
Well... I'm just hoping that hell isn't like being in a lava pool, anything else is a bonus.

Then again... The hell on supernatural wasn't very pleasent either... I want more of a like cavernous constant party slutty women hell...

Personally I'd rather not go to hell at all, but that's what I'd want if I went there.
Sure. Satan's not associated with Christianity, so I think he'll approve.

Don't know - don't really care either.

No. You need evidence to prove that he exists. Being in hell just proves that Hell exists (Which it doesn't).

Yeh. He sounds hot.
You can marry in hell, have sex and all, but you can not have orgasm. For if you reached orgasm, its like being in heaven.
ppl go to heaven for the temperaturate and ppl go to hell for the party
No, no.

%26lt;sighs%26gt; No.

No, I know there's a God NOW.


MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!
There are no relationships or friendships in hell so how would any of this happen if you're in tourment and in a lake of fire and brimstone?
They throw rice in hell, and write stuff on your car, and have parties with strippers the night before.

You can't date the devil though because he's mine. We're in a committed relationship.



Yes and I am.
Succubi are pretty cute.
lol lol lol lol hey this is a very inportant question.
scary imagination...
Hell sounds like my kind of party.
I would grab satan by his greasy balls and bring him to his knees.

I'm takin' over.
lol read the book of revelations you be surprised
Johnny, I have a pretty high tolerance for gross comments, but you just made me throw up in my mouth a little.
i so wanna get laid with a witch.
What.... are you on?
I call dibs on Ann Coulter

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