Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How can atheists stand to be married to Christians?

To me it would feel like being married to a child.How can atheists stand to be married to Christians?
I do not think anyone is really an atheist. I mean, somehow you would have to believe in a higher being. Whoever or whatever it is.

So, as they can be married to another? why not?How can atheists stand to be married to Christians?
I guess love is not based on religion. I'm atheist and half the people who I have dated are christian/catholic but don't believe in the actual religion. I donna I find it annoying when people always say to me; Well actually you have to have a religion or there is no point living, bad things will happen to you. So yes I do get your point, but as I said some Christians don't always believe in god but actually got forced to be christened. Trust me marriages like this probably end up with the atheist converting.
I am an atheist who is married to a Christian. It's very difficult but we love each other enough to respect each others beliefs. My husband never asks me to go to church with him, pray, etc. We try to leave religious discussions out of our home but if we do discuss it we listen to each other and respect each other. We may not agree but we're ok with that. We even make jokes about it to lighten the mood. My husband will say something silly and I'll say ';yeah well at least I don't have an imaginary friend.'; He does the same thing to me about my atheism. Neither of us takes ourselves too seriously. The easiest part is that my husband is an open-minded Christian. He absolutely does not believe the Bible but uses it more as a guideline like don't kill people, love your neighbor, etc. He doesn't buy into the hellfire and brimstone bullshit. He doesn't even believe in hell. He says the God he believes in love everyone unconditionally whether you are straight, gay, white, black, atheist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. He also says that I am the way God made me so how can God punish me for the way he made me? He is very rational so we make it work :)
This is true. but the Bible says that with patience and time and by setting a good example a spouse can convince their unbelieving partner of the joy and justification of Christ. We, as Christians, have been given the power to bind others to ourselves and heaven's eternal reward (it wouldn't BE heaven if your beloved spouse was not also there, right?). Sometimes God may use Love to save an unbeliever and to use that person for great things. Remember, with God, all things are possible! Si?
Part of getting married means you need to be a very understanding and supportive partner, religion should not matter to your partner. Just love and support.

this childish opinion, only explains that you are not ready for matter what their religion is !
Love has no religion. I wouldn't care if I was married to a Christian, or whatever other religion they happen to be.

It is irrelevant, so long as they can accept me, for me, not for what they hope to turn me into.
As long as such a couple is in the ';lust'; stage, the physical ';needs'; are much more important than ';intellectual compatibility.'; After the ';lust'; (love, heat) factors diminish, the relationship is seriously in peril.
How is Christianity anything like being compared to a child? I think you're the child because you're being so closeminded. You should marry someone because you two love eachother. Religious beliefs shouldn't be a factor.
I wouldn't be able to be married to a theist.

One of the first things my husband and I wanted to know about one another was do you believe in %26gt;%26gt;





or anything along those lines.
Well since you are the one doing the judging, I guess the difficulty would be being married to you. Don't you think?

Marriage to a child is illegal, but marriage to B*tch isn't.
And perhaps Christians would view being married to an Atheist much the same way.

It comes down to tolerance and flexibility. Kind of sounds like you don't have those things ... but others do.
Well, some people are mature enough to live and let live. I have lots of friends who have completely different views on many things but what we do have in common is enough to keep us friends.
They shouldn't get involved with Atheists in the first place. Marital union is supposed to be of common faith to Christians.
Perhaps other atheists are not as narrowminded and holier than thou as you.

Why would any Christian want to be married to such a smug jerk as you?
And Im pretty sure being married to you would feel like a life sentence.

Look how nasty, spiteful and vindictive all your questions are!

Creepy person.
The other way around is just as sickening, I would rather live life alone than be married to an atheist.
Not all Christians are intolerable.
Because religion isn't a way of life for some people, and they're able to look past differences such as belief.
Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.

-Ayn Rand
I don't know, but I'm slowly turning him into an agnostic.....I'm getting there :)
Now there's a sly insult disguised as a question.
Being open minded helps.
well if they wish to put up with stupid b u l l s h i t bible stuff, i wouldnt wanna live with someone who would try to change me into retarded fairy tales
No, I would never date a Christian, they deserve each other. I'm happy with my heathen man.
I don't date Christians. Far too annoying.
I married one. Love conquers all, even God.
I'm not married. :(
I was actually pondering that about an hour ago...I don't think I could..
a better questions is why are atheists always clogging up the religion section.
i hope you're calling the atheist the child...

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